MLZ ist eine Kooperation aus:

Technische Universität München> Technische Universität MünchenHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon> Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Forschungszentrum Jülich> Forschungszentrum Jülich

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85748 Garching

User Committee

MLZ Nutzer haben eine Stimme: Das MLZ User Committee!

Das MLZ User Committee repräsentiert alle Nutzerinnen und Nutzer des MLZ in offiziellen Treffen, bietet ein Forum zum Austausch innerhalb unserer Nutzergemeinschaft und diskutiert mit dem MLZ Direktorium neue Strategien und Abläufe, um die Nutzerzufriedenheit zu verbessern.

Um sich zur Wahl als Mitglied im MLZ User Committee zu stellen, darf die betreffende Person nicht zum Personal des MLZ gehören und muss innerhalb der vergangenen drei Jahre mindestens ein Experiment am MLZ durchgeführt haben.

Das II. MLZ User Committee (2021-2023 – verlängert bis Sommer 2025)

  • Chair: Tommy Nylander, Universität Lund, Schweden (
  • Andrea Scotti, Universität Lund, Schweden (
    Fields of Expertise: SANS, soft matter, colloidal suspensions, phase transitions, neutron reflectometry
  • Ana Brás Würschig, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland (
    Fields of expertise: Soft matter structure and dynamics, in particular funcional polymers and other glass forming materials; experience in research methods such as small angle scattering and NSE, rheology, DRS and DSC
  • Sandra Cabeza, ILL, Frankreich (
    Fields of expertise: Material science/ residual stress analysis, diffration, metallurgy
  • Jens Gibmeier, KIT, Deutschland (
    Fields of expertise: Problems in engineering science, neutron diffraction, stress, residual stress and texture analysis, load partitioning in multiphase materials
  • (als Beobachter vom KFN entsandt): Holger Kohlmann, Universität Leipzig, Deutschland (
    Fields of expertise: Neutron powder diffraction, solid-state chemistry, crystallography, in-situ, reaction pathways, functional materials

Die Mitglieder sind für drei Jahre berufen und können einmal wiedergewählt werden.

Über die Aktivitäten des MLZ User Committee halten wir unsere Nutzerinnen und Nutzer auf dem Laufenden – verpassen Sie auch nicht die User Committee Kolumne im MLZ Newsletter! Alle Nutzerinnen und Nutzer sind herzlich eingeladen, Ideen, Vorschläge und Feedback an eines der Mitglieder des MLZ User Committee per Email zu senden! Sie können sich dafür entweder direkt an die einzelnen Mitglieder wenden oder die gemeinsame Email-Adresse nutzen!

MLZ UC: Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference MLZ User Committee April 2019
V 3.2

In an effort to better manage the user needs and to create a direct link to the users, the MLZ partners establish the MLZ User Committee (UC) to improve the user role and to organize a discussion forum for the benefit of the users. The MLZ User Committee proposes new strategic ideas and procedures to the MLZ Directorate with the ultimate goal to improve the MLZ user satisfaction.

Task The following tasks are outlined for the MLZ UC:
  • Report to the MLZ Directors and propose new strategic ideas and procedures for improving the user access and work at the MLZ
  • Represent the MLZ user community at official MLZ meeting
  • Organize the MLZ UC meetings, and compile the minutes of the meeting
  • Collect reports from the users on any issue related to the proposal system and experiments performed at the MLZ
  • Attend conferences of MLZ interest, such as the German Neutron Scattering Conferences, to meet the user community
Membership The MLZ UC consists of five members. The members are appointed for three years
  • No MLZ staff member can be appointed in the UC.
  • Each member is eligible if she/he has performed experiments at the MLZ in the three years before the election.
  • In case of needs of external expertise, the Chairperson may co-opt external scientists as permanent members.
  • A KFN representative may join the MLZ User Committee as an observer.
Roles The MLZ UC includes the following roles:
  • Chairperson
  • Deputy Chairperson
  • Member

The elected members will decide upon their internal role in the UC with written procedure; their decision will be communicated to the MLZ User Office.
The Chairperson reports to the MLZ Directorate and is asked to represent the MLZ UC at official MLZ meetings.
The MLZ UC secretarial work is provided by the MLZ User Office.

Election The MLZ User Office will support the organization of the online election, with the following tasks:
  • Definition of the list of candidates: the list of those who performed experiments in the last three years will be compiled by the User Office and distributed to all potential candidates.
  • Those scientists who intend to be candidates shall inform the User Office per email.
  • Distribution of the list of candidates to all the active MLZ users (those who performed at least one experiment in the last five years)
  • Organization of the online/email voting procedure
  • Communication of the elected members
    Each voter has the possibility to vote up to five candidates. The five candidates with the largest number of preferences are elected.

MLZ User Committee Meetings
The MLZ UC meets at least once a year, either in person or in telephone-/ videoconference.
The Chairperson calls for the meeting with at least 1 month advance notice. The agenda and all relevant documents shall be emailed to the members one week prior the meeting.
The Chairperson may invite any persons relevant for the discussion.
At each meeting, minutes will be compiled by the Secretary and approved by the MLZ UC.
A web page with the information on the passed meetings and the date of the next one is available online, with the support of the MLZ User Office.
The costs of the UC meetings, such as, for example, travel, accommodation and subsistence ones, are covered by the MLZ Directorate, according to the current German laws.

Support of the MLZ User Office The MLZ User Office supports any request and need of the UC members, as, for example, it is ready to:
  • Organize the UC meetings
  • Provide MLZ user reports available in the MLZ online system
  • Organize the election procedure
  • Secretarial work for the MLZ UC meetings

Any travel and further costs need prior approval of the MLZ User Office.

MLZ UC 2018-2020

Das I. MLZ User Committee arbeitete von 2018 bis 2020.

  • Sophie Combet, CEA, Saclay, Frankreich
  • Jens Gibmeier, KIT, Karlsruhe, Deutschland
  • David Keeble, Univ. Dundee, Großbritannien
  • Luigi Paduano, Univ. Neapel, Italien
  • Diana Quintero Castro, Stavanger Univ., Norwegen
  • Adrian Rennie, Uppsala Univ., Schweden (Chairman)
  • Rainer Niewa, Universität Stuttgart, Deutschland, nahm als Beobachter für das KFN teil.

1 – 3. Mai 2018
2 – 3. Juli 2018
3 – 18. September 2018
4 – 8. November 2018
5 – 10. Dezember 2018
6 – 18. Januar 2019
7 – 12. März 2019
8 – 30. April 2019
9 – 18. Juli 2019
10 – 03. September 2019
11 – 19. November 2019
12 – 10. Dezember 2019
13 – 16. Dezember 2019
14 – 11. Februar 2020
15 – 23. März 2020
16 – 25. Mai 2020
17 – 24. Juli 2020
18 – 28. September 2020
19 – 24. November 2020
20 – 08. Dezember 2020

Kolumnen in den gedruckten MLZ Newslettern 2018-2020


Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

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Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

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Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

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Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

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Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

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Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

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Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

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Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

Remarks of the MLZ User Committee

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The first mandate period of the MLZ User Committee

The first mandate period of the MLZ User Committee

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II. MLZ User Committee elected!

II. MLZ User Committee elected!

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MLZ ist eine Kooperation aus:

Technische Universität München> Technische Universität MünchenHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon> Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Forschungszentrum Jülich> Forschungszentrum Jülich

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