MLZ ist eine Kooperation aus:
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MLZ in den sozialen Medien:
85748 Garching
Materials Science
The Materials Science Group uses a large number of tools to study advanced materials on the length scale of sub-nanometer to centimeter. The group focuses on topics like metals and advanced alloys (high temperature alloys, light weighted alloys, steels), batteries (Li-and Na-ion batteries, ), fuel cells, archaeological objects, characterization of fuel element materials, and development of instrumentation and sample environment for materials science.
A monthly group meeting serves to foster information exchange between the group members. The presentations cover the methods as well as the activities within the numerous projects supported by 3rd party funding and supervised by group members. Examples include in-situ and operando Li-ion battery studies, phase transformations in alloy systems, strain and texture studies of metallic samples under external parameters such as high temperature and load and characterization of cultural heritage objects. . The group is also responsible for the organisation of the TUM Expertenforum which is held every 2nd year, since 2004. A special focus of the group is on sample environment and instrumentation specifically designed for advanced material development and analysis.
Dedicated Research Groups at MLZ/FRM II
Group Coordinators
Dr. habil. Ralph Gilles
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-14665
Dr. Michael Hofmann
Phone: + 49 (0)89 289-14744
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MLZ in den sozialen Medien: