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85748 Garching
I will discuss recent experiments on the magnetic structure of the
honeycomb antiferromagnet NaNi2BiO6. We find magnetic order with moments along the c axis below Tc1 = 6.3 K and then in the honeycomb plane below Tc2 = 4.8K with a counterrotating pattern and an incommensurate ordering wave vector q = (1/3, 1/3, 0.154 ± 0.011). Neutron scattering shows half of the expected static magnetic moment remains dynamic at low temperatures, suggesting proximity to a quantum disordered phase. The ordering wave vector, in – plane magnetic correlations, and superexchange pathways are all consistent with a bond – dependent 120° compass model exchange in NaNi2BiO6.
Datum | 06.09.2018 |
Uhrzeit | 11:00 Uhr |
Ort | Garching |
Raum | Physik Department TUM, HS 3 |
Sprecher | Allen Scheie, Institute for Quantum Matter and Department of Physics and Astronomy Johns Hopkins University |
Veranstalter | TUM / MLZ |
Kontakt | |
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