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Technische Universität München> Technische Universität MünchenHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon> Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Forschungszentrum Jülich> Forschungszentrum Jülich

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MLZ (eng)

85748 Garching


Resonance spin echo spectrometer

This instrument is focussed on cold neutrons. Therefore, please carefully check the “Technical data WITHOUT cold source” section. Deviating parameters are in bold. The instrument team is happy to answer any further questions!

Instrumentscheme RESEDA Instrumentscheme RESEDA

RESEDA is a spin-echo spectrometer optimised for investigations in magnetism and hard condensed matter. The instrument layout offers operation in longitudinal NRSE (neutron resonant spin-echo) configuration, as well as longitudinal MIEZE (Modulation of IntEnsity with Zero Effort). While the former offers the same applications as classical NSE (neutron spin-echo), the latter is ideally suited for investigating magnetic or otherwise depolarising samples. Recent upgrades have extended the dynamic range of RESEDA towards higher Fourier times and optimised RESEDA for measurements at small scattering angles.

RESEDA is located at the end of the neutron guide NL-5-S, which offers a cold neutron spectrum with thermal overlap down to 1.8 Å. Currently, RESEDA uses a wavelength selector to extract an adjustable wavelength spectrum between 3.5 Å and 15 Å, with 8,8 % ≤Δλ/λ ≤ 17,2 % from the guide. The maximum neutron flux available at the sample is 107 n cm-2 s-1 (at λ = 4.5 Å). Neutrons are polarised with a double-v cavity before reaching the primary spectrometer arm, which consists of two Mezei π/2 flippers, a pair of rf (radio-frequency) spin-flippers, a field subtraction coil, and a polarisation analyser in form of a transmission bender. The latter is installed only when the instrument is operated in MIEZE mode. In NRSE mode, polarisation analysis is performed before a 3He detector using a reflection bender on the NRSE spectrometer arm. Beyond this, the NRSE arm is a mirror image of the primary spectrometer arm. However, the MIEZE spectrometer arm only consists of a flight tube and the time and position-sensitive CASCADE detector [1].

For MIEZE measurements, the achieveable resolution depends on the scattering angle and sample geometry. An application to calculate the signal reduction factor for various sample geometries can be found here.

[1] C. Franz et al., NIM-A 939, 22 (2019).

Typical applications
  • Emergent excitations in quantum magnets
  • Dynamics at quantum phase transitions
  • Critical (magnetic) fluctuations
  • Freezing dynamics in spin glasses and spin ice
  • Diffusion in hydrogen-containing liquids
  • Dynamics and diffusion of polymer melts
  • Diffusion processes in ionic liquids
  • Dynamics of water in porous media
Sample environment

At RESEDA the whole sample environment of the MLZ is applicable.

Depolarising conditions are limited to MIEZE experiments.

  • Available temperature range: 50 mK (dilution insert, see below) up to more than 1300 K (high-temperature furnace, non-depolarising)
  • Maximal magnetic field: 12 T
  • Available cryostats:
    • Closed cycle cryostat: 3.5 K < T < 300 K
    • 3He insert: 450 mK < T < 300 K
    • Dilution insert: 50 mK < T < 6 K
Technical data WITHOUT cold source

Primary spectrometer

  • Neutron guide: NL5-S
  • Wavelength range: λ = 3.5 – 6 Å
  • Wavelength bandwidth at sample position: Δλ/λ = 9 – 17 %
  • Calculated flux before wavelength selector: φ ≥ 5 × 108 n cm-2s-1 at λ = 3.5 Å
  • Collimation (optional):
    • Two motorised cross slits 0 – 50 mm opening
    • Cross collimators 20’, 40’, and 80’

Secondary spectrometer

Two spectrometer arms: MIEZE (SANS measurements possible) and L-NRSE
  • MIEZE:
    • Detector: CASCADE 2D PSD 200 × 200 mm², 100 ns time resolution
    • Maximum scattering angle: 2θ = 55°
    • Momentum transfer range: 0.005 – 1.8 Å-1
    • Fourier time range: 0.001 – 1 ns
  • L-NRSE:
    • Detector: ³He counter 25.4 mm (1 inch) diameter
    • Maximum scattering angle: 2θ = 93°
    • Momentum transfer range: 0.05 – 2.5 Å-1
    • Fourier time range: 0.001 – 0.5 ns
Technical data WITH cold source

Primary Spectrometer

  • Neutron guide: NL5-S
  • Wavelength range: λ = 3.5 – 15 Å
  • Wavelength bandwidth at sample position: Δλ/λ = 9 – 17 %
  • Calculated flux before wavelength selector: φ ≥ 2.7 × 109 n cm-2s-1 at λ = 3.5 Å
  • Measured Flux at sample position: φ = 1.05 × 106 n cm-2s-1 at 6 Å
  • Collimation (optional):
    • Two motorised cross slits 0 – 50 mm opening
    • Cross collimators 20’, 40’, and 80’

Secondary Spectrometer

Two Spectrometer arms: MIEZE (SANS measurements possible) and L-NRSE
  • MIEZE:
    • Detector: CASCADE 2D PSD 200 × 200 mm², 100 ns time resolution
    • Maximum scattering angle: 2θ = 55°
    • Momentum transfer range: 0.0005 – 1.8 Å-1
    • Fourier time range: 0.0001 – 45 ns
  • L-NRSE:
    • Detector: ³He counter 25.4 mm (1 inch) diameter
    • Maximum scattering angle: 2θ = 93°
    • Momentum transfer range: 0.05 – 2.5 Å-1
    • Fourier time range: 0.0001 – 4.5 ns

Instrument scientists

Dr. Johanna K. Jochum
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-14760

Christian Fuchs
Phone: +49 (0)89 289- 13891

Phone: +49 (0)89 289-14874

Operated and funded by



From an instrument‘s point of view: My first business trip

From an instrument‘s point of view: My first business trip

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Science Slam

Science Slam

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From an instrument's point of view

From an instrument's point of view

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Find the latest publications regarding RESEDA in our publication database iMPULSE:

Citation of the instrument

Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum. (2015). RESEDA: Resonance spin echo spectrometer. Journal of large-scale research facilities, 1, A14.

The longitudinal neutron resonant spin echo spectrometer RESEDA. In: Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 939, S. 22–29.
C. Franz, O. Soltwedel, C. Fuchs, S. Säubert, F. Haslbeck, A. Wendl et al. (2019): DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2019.05.056.

For citation please always include the DOI.

Instrument control



L-NRSE and L-MIEZE secondary spectrometer arms of RESEDA


MLZ is a cooperation between:

Technische Universität München> Technische Universität MünchenHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon> Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Forschungszentrum Jülich> Forschungszentrum Jülich

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