MLZ is a cooperation between:

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Forschungszentrum Jülich> Forschungszentrum Jülich

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MLZ (eng)

85748 Garching

AlaAF - Optimizing an industrial additive manufacturing plant for the crack-free production of high-strength aluminum alloys for aerospace using an innovative powder concept


AlaAF – Optimizing an industrial additive manufacturing plant for the crack-free production of high-strength aluminum alloys for aerospace using an innovative powder concept

More information “here”:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the project number 05K25WOA.


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.2025 - 31.03.2028

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
APICone - Conceptual Design of a Neutron Imaging Instrument at ICONE for Scientific and Industrial Applications



In the first phase of the project, the objective is to develop a conceptual design of a neutron imaging beamline for ICONE.
In the second phase of the project, after the ICONE TDR submission, the objective is to investigate future upgrade options for the instrument, such as
installing pulse-shaping choppers to improve the wavelength resolution. This will be done by implementing these upgrades into the McStas model
and evaluating the instrument performance for the additional applications enabled by the upgrades. Moreover, we plan to perform scientific
experiments at other sources such as FRM II, ILL, or ISIS in collaboration with the French user community to establish first scientific projects at the

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.02.2025 - 31.07.2026

Funding organisation

  • French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA)
HTS4 Fusion - Influence of fast neutrons on the properties of HTS strip conductors in fusion magnets for plasma confinement


HTS4Fusion – Influence of fast neutrons on the properties of HTS strip conductors in fusion magnets for plasma confinement

More information “here”:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the project number 13F1014D.

Principal Investigator


  • Max-Plank-Institut für Plasmaphysik
  • THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH

Funding period

01.01.2025 - 31.12.2027

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


For further information, please visit

This project is funded by the European Commitions’s EURATOM program under the Projekt No 101164744


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2024 - 30.09.2028

Funding organisation

  • European Union


High-assay low-enriched uranium metal (HALEU) is a critical resource required for the operation of research reactors
and the production of pharmaceutical radioisotopes. Its availability is essential for advancing nuclear energy safety,
materials science, basic scientific research, and the performance of about 40 million nuclear medicine procedures
worldwide each year.
Until recently, EU has relied on Russia and the USA for its supply of HALEU. Russian supplies are expected to be
unavailable for an extended period, and the future availability of US supplies remains uncertain: it is thus imperative
for EU to establish its own HALEU production capacity.
The PreP-HALEU initiative represents a preparatory phase aimed at producing essential components and evaluating the
technical pathways for establishing this capacity in EU. This project consortium brings together all key stakeholders,
including enrichment companies, fuel manufacturers, research organizations, and medical radioisotope producers.
Through this collaborative effort, PreP-HALEU intends to:
• Generate substantial technical, economic, and regulatory information to support the decision-making process.
• Foster alignment among the countries and parties involved in establishing a EU HALEU capability as a shared asset.
Within the framework of PreP-HALEU, the quantitative requirements for HALEU metal will be updated, and working
groups will delve into enrichment, metallization, and transportation considerations. The integration of these elementary
bricks will be extensively discussed to create a coherent project dynamic and consistently consolidate results into an
executive summary, a key input for the decision-making phase.
The PreP-HALEU project, initiated in response to the NRT01-11 call for proposals, is a cornerstone in the establishment
of a EU production capacity for metal HALEU. It plays a pivotal role in securing activities in the fields of research,
healthcare, and innovation throughout EU.

For further information, please visit

This project is funded by the European Commitions’s EURATOM program under the Projekt No 101164744


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.09.2024 - 31.08.2026

Funding organisation

  • European Union
FRM2427 - Scientific support for the conversion of the FRM II from HEU to LEU


FRM2427 – Scientific support for the conversion of the FRM II from HEU to LEU

More information “here”:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the stateministery of science and culture of Bavaria under the project number FRM2427.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Czech-Bavarian mini-scholl on large scale facilities and open data


This project was funded by the Bavarian-Czech Higher Education Agency under the project number BTHA-SW-2024-6

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.06.2024 - 31.12.2024

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian-Czech Higher Education Agency (BTHA)
SCHU 3227/3-1
EvalSpek-ML TP4


Collaborative project 05D2022 – EvalSpek-ML: Development and evaluation of machine learning algorithms for the analysis of convex-combined spectral data

Further information at “”:
Subproject 1, FKZ 05D23CG2,
Subproject 4, FKZ 05D23W02,

The EvalSpek-ML project of the Technical University of Munich and the Helmholtz Center is then managed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05D23CG2 and 05D23W02).


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
EvalSpek-ML TP1


Collaborative project 05D2022 – EvalSpek-ML: Development and evaluation of machine learning algorithms for the analysis of convex-combined spectral data

Further information at “”:
Subproject 1, FKZ 05D23CG2,
Subproject 4, FKZ 05D23W02,

The EvalSpek-ML project of the Technical University of Munich and the Helmholtz Center is then managed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05D23CG2 and 05D23W02).


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
VIPR (TP1): Versatile software framework for solving inverse problems.


Joint project 05D2022 – VIPR: Versatile software framework for solving inverse problems. Subproject 1.

Further information at “”:
Subproject 1, FKZ 05D23CJ1

The VIPR project of the Research Center Jülich is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05D23CJ1).


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
VIPR (TP5): Versatile software framework for solving inverse problems.


Joint project 05D2022 – VIPR: Versatile software framework for solving inverse problems. Subproject 5.

Further information at “”:
Subproject 5, FKZ 05D23WO1

The VIPR project at the TU Munich, Chair E13 is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05D23WO1).


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.03.2023 - 28.02.2026

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PosiScan: Commissioning of the scanning positron microscope at the FRM II


PosiScan: Commissioning of the scanning positron microscope at the FRM II

Further information can also be found in the Federal Funding Catalogue:

Aim of the proposed project is to put the scanning positron microscope (SPM) into operation at the intense positron source NEPOMUC of the research reactor FRM II in Garching bei München and to commission its operation as an user instrument. With the commissioning of the SPM it will be the only instrument world-wide that enables analysis of microstructures by a < 1 µm sized, pulsed positron beam.

The construction of the scanning positron microscope PsiScan by the University of the Federal Armed Forces was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K22WN1)

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2023 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
HYMN: Hyperthermia with magnetic nanoparticles: Development of novel high-frequency kHz and GHz magnetic fields to explore the fundamentals of magnetic heating using in-situ neutron scatterin


HYMN: Hyperthermia with magnetic nanoparticles: Development of novel high-frequency kHz and GHz magnetic fields to explore the fundamentals of magnetic heating using in-situ neutron scattering

For more information see also: “”

The construction of SANS-1 by the Technical University of Munich is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (Project 05K22WO4)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POSI-DEFECTS Upgrade of the coincidence Doppler broadening spectrometer for in operando defect spectroscopy


POSI-DEFECTS: Coincidence Doppler broadening spectrometer upgrade for in operando defect spectroscopy

Further information on the project:

The further development of the NEPOMUC instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K22WO7)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POWTEX (2022) - High Intensity Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffractometer at FRM II


POWTEX – High Intensity Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffractometer at FRM II

Further information in the federal catalogue: LINK

The development of the POWTEX instrument by the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K22PA2)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ENMI - Development of a scintillation detector in the ns range with µm resolution


ENMI – Development of a scintillation detector in the ns range with µm resolution

For more information, see the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The further development of the NECTAR instrument at the Technical University of Munich is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K22WO5)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SIM-Mode - Transportable device for spatial intensity modulation (SIM mode) of polarized neutron beams at the FRM II


Transportable device for spatial intensity modulation (SIM mode) of polarized neutron beams at the FRM II

For more information, see the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The further development of the RESEDA instrument at the Technical University of Munich is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K22WO2)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
INGRAM - Development of an imaging system for neutron gamma radiography for medical and materials science applications


INGRAMM – Development of an imaging system for neutron gamma radiography for medical and materials science applications

For more information, see the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of the INGRAMM system at the Technical University of Munich is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K22WO6)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
AutoTron: Increased efficiency and range of applications by automating the neutron diffraction measurement for strain and texture determination.


Joint project 05K2022 – AutoTron: Increased efficiency and range of applications by automating the neutron diffraction measurement for strain and texture determination.

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue:

Sub-project 1: Cyber-physical system integration, robot-compatible universal testing machine and detector development.

Sub-project 2: Machine-learning-based markerless pose estimation and robot control.

The further development of the STRESS-SPEC instrument at the Technical University of Munich and the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05K22WO1 and 05K22WEA)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Port-GISANS: Construction of a neutron optics close to the sample for small-angle neutron scattering under grazing incidence on phospholipid membranes and soft interfaces


Joint project 05K2022 – 2021-05963 Port-GISANS: Construction of a neutron optics close to the sample for small-angle neutron scattering with grazing incidence on phospholipid membranes and soft interfaces

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue:

Sub-project 1:

Sub-project 2:

The further development of the KWS instrument of the Research Center Jülich and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05K22CJA and 05K22WMA)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 03.03.2026

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
LiSi2 - Lithium-Solid-Electrolyte Interfaces (2nd phase)


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PUMA (2022) - Parabolic nested mirror optics for thermal neutrons at the three-axis spectrometer PUMA


PUMA (2022) – Parabolic nested mirror optics for thermal neutrons at the three-axis spectrometer PUMA

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the PUMA instrument by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K22VK1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research




MaMaSELF2 is the follow-up project to MaMaSELF, a two-year European Masters program in Materials Science, a program of excellence set up under the Erasmus Mundus programme.

MaMaSELF2 is a two-year, international Master in Materials Science, taught in English, associating Universities, Large Scale Facilities,
together with industrial partners and research centers, organized as a network of excellence. It aims to form students to become
talented materials scientists, researchers and engineers. It is jointly designed and implemented by a consortium of 6 European leading
universities: University Rennes 1, and University of Montpellier, (France), Technical University Munich, and Ludwig Maximilians
University, (Germany), University of Torino, (Italy), Adam Mickiewicz University, (Poland). Modern life and globalization imply new
and additional challenges for scientists and engineers, in the field of scientific and industrial competitiveness. This holds specifically for
the development of new materials which are strategic key-products. The tremendous evolution of materials’ needs for energy, aeronautics,
informatics, life-science, etc., requires experienced and motivated staff to design the necessary complex and functionalized materials
of tomorrow. MaMaSELF2 forms highly qualified and trained students in this area, able to face the new challenges. Beside a strong
background in fundamentals for materials science, mainly based on physics and chemistry, students will learn advanced techniques for
the structural (crystallography), dynamic and electronic (spectroscopy) study of materials. They will discover the capabilities of neutron
and synchrotron radiation for the characterization of materials, and their impact on cutting-edge advances. The program is supported and
advised by leading large-scale facilities, international universities, and industrial partners. The master course further develops soft skills.
About 40 students coming from all over the world enroll each year. Students complete a first year at one university, then join another
university for the third academic semester, while the fourth semester is dedicated to the master-thesis.

The project is funded by the EU’s HORIZON Europe program.


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.09.2022 - 31.10.2028

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101082454.



ReMade-at-ARI: Recyclable Materials developement at Analytical Research Infrastructures

Topic: HORIZON-INFRA-2021-SERV-01-04

A radical shift to the Circular Economy is urgently needed to cope with the challenge of finite resources decreasing at a frightening pace
while the quantity of waste increases alarmingly. The European Commission`s (EC) Circular Economy Action Plan (CEAP) adopted
in March 2020 has identified seven key product value chains that must rapidly become circular, given their environmental impacts and
circularity potentials. This requires substantial research on materials with a very high recycling capability while exhibiting competitive
functionalities. In ReMade@ARI, the most significant European analytical research infrastructures join forces to pioneer a support hub for
materials research facilitating a step change to the Circular Economy. ReMade@ARI offers coordinated access to more than 50 European
analytical research infrastructures, comprising the majority of the facilities that constitute the Analytical Research Infrastructures in
Europe (ARIE) network. ReMade@ARI offers comprehensive services suiting any research focusing on the development of new
materials for the Circular Economy in the key areas highlighted in the CEAP and plays an important role in the preparation of the common
technology roadmap for circular industries. Senior scientist, facility experts and highly trained young researchers contribute scientific
knowledge and extensive support to realise a user service of unprecedented quality, making each promising idea a success. Particular
attention is attributed to the implementation of attractive formats to support researchers and developers from industry. The comprehensive
service catalogue is complemented by an extensive training programme. Communication and dissemination activities are underpinned
by a continuous impact assessment, which also enables evidence-based decision-making in the context of the proposal selection. Routes
to sustainability of the platform will be explored towards the end of the project.

This project is funded by the EU’s HORIZON Europe project plan



Funding period

01.09.2022 - 31.08.2026

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101058414.



This project was funded by the Bavarian-Czech Higher Education Agency under the project number BTHA-AP-2022-30

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.08.2022 - 30.09.2022

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian-Czech Higher Education Agency (BTHA)
AQuaMaRINe - Advanced Quantum Magnetism Research using Inelastic Neutrons


This project was funded by the Bavarian-Czech Higher Education Agency under the project number BTHA-JC-2022-34

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.08.2022 - 31.12.2024

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian-Czech Higher Education Agency (BTHA)
H2Mat: A device to study the influence of hydrogen loading and unloading for industrially developed and used alloys.


Joint project 05K2022 – H2Mat: A device to investigate the influence of hydrogen loading and unloading for industrially developed and used alloys.

Further information can be found in the Federal Funding Catalogue:

Sub-project 1:

Sub-project 2:

The development of HiMAT by the Technical University of Munich and the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (Project 05K22WE1 (FAU) and 05K22WO3 (FRM II) ).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2022 - 30.09.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Amphiphilic self-assembly of completely non-invasive orthogonally switchable block copolymers


Amphiphilic self-assembly of completely non-invasive orthogonally switchable block copolymers

The project aims at the induced self-assembly of amphiphilic diblock copolymers, in which the hydrophilic or hydrophobic character of both blocks is reversibly and independently adjusted by non-invasive stimuli, namely by temperature change or irradiation with UV light. Depending on the molecular parameters (such as chemical structure and size of the blocks), structure formation and switching behavior under changes in temperature or upon irradiation are investigated both in the bulk phase in aqueous solution and in thin films. In order to make this possible, new diblock copolymers have to be produced in which the hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of the blocks can be inverted independently of one another by temperature- and in particular by light-induced processes. The structures as well as the change processes when jumping over phase boundaries are analyzed in detail using modern spectroscopic and scattering methods and the volume behavior is compared with that in thin films.

Further information can be found in the GEPRIS funding catalog of the DFG: link

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) – project number 493931825

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2022 - 30.05.2025

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
MU 1487/42-1 - Amphiphilic self-assembly of completely non-invasive orthogonally switchable block copolymers


The project aims at the induced self-assembly of amphiphilic diblock copolymers, in which the hydrophilic or hydrophobic character of both blocks is reversibly and independently adjusted by non-invasive stimuli, namely by temperature change or irradiation with UV light. Depending on the molecular parameters (such as chemical structure and size of the blocks), structure formation and switching behavior under changes in temperature or upon irradiation are investigated both in the bulk phase in aqueous solution and in thin films. In order to make this possible, new diblock copolymers have to be produced in which the hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of the blocks can be inverted independently of one another by temperature- and in particular by light-induced processes. The structures as well as the change processes when jumping over phase boundaries are analyzed in detail using modern spectroscopic and scattering methods and the volume behavior is compared with that in thin films.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 493931825.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2022 - 31.05.2025

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Amphiphilic self-assembly of completely non-invasive orthogonally switchable block copolymers


Amphiphilic self-assembly of completely non-invasive orthogonally switchable block copolymers

The project aims at the induced self-assembly of amphiphilic diblock copolymers, in which the hydrophilic or hydrophobic character of both blocks is reversibly and independently adjusted by non-invasive stimuli, namely by temperature change or irradiation with UV light. Depending on the molecular parameters (such as chemical structure and size of the blocks), structure formation and switching behavior under changes in temperature or upon irradiation are investigated both in the bulk phase in aqueous solution and in thin films. In order to make this possible, new diblock copolymers have to be produced in which the hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of the blocks can be inverted independently of one another by temperature- and in particular by light-induced processes. The structures as well as the change processes when jumping over phase boundaries are analyzed in detail using modern spectroscopic and scattering methods and the volume behavior is compared with that in thin films.

Further information can be found in the GEPRIS funding catalog of the DFG: link

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) – project number 493931825

Principal Investigator

Funding period

13.06.2022 - 12.06.2025

PA 771/23 - Amphiphilic self-assembly of completely non-invasive orthogonally switchable block copolymers


The project aims at the induced self-assembly of amphiphilic diblock copolymers, in which the hydrophilic or hydrophobic character of both blocks is reversibly and independently adjusted by non-invasive stimuli, namely by temperature change or irradiation with UV light. Depending on the molecular parameters (such as chemical structure and size of the blocks), structure formation and switching behavior under changes in temperature or upon irradiation are investigated both in the bulk phase in aqueous solution and in thin films. In order to make this possible, new diblock copolymers have to be produced in which the hydrophilicity or hydrophobicity of the blocks can be inverted independently of one another by temperature- and in particular by light-induced processes. The structures as well as the change processes when jumping over phase boundaries are analyzed in detail using modern spectroscopic and scattering methods and the volume behavior is compared with that in thin films.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 493931825.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

13.06.2022 - 12.06.2025

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Testing and investigating novel solar cell technologies in space


50WM2256: Testing and investigation of novel solar cell technologies in space

Further information at “”:
FKZ 05D23WO1

The TU Munich project at the Chair E13 is financed by the BMWK (project 50WM2256).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.06.2022 - 31.05.2025

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
SINDA - Science driven improvement of nuclear data


For more information, visit

This project is funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the project-ID: 57603224


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2022 - 31.12.2023

Funding organisation

  • German Academic Exchange Service
TUBE: XRD Invest


TUBE aims to provide the foundations and infrastructure for future-oriented battery research along the entire value chain.

The construction of TUBE by the TU Munich is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03XP0425).


Funding period

01.10.2021 - 30.09.2023

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
DAPHNE4NFDI - DAta from PHoton and Neutron Experiments for NFDI


The photon and neutron science community encompasses users from a broad range of scientific disciplines facing a common need for high- level, rapid data analysis and the challenge of implementing research data management. The communities of science users are represented by the KFS and KFN committees, which have worked together for many years and are coming together here to meet common challenges imposed by the digital transformation of experiments. The DAPHNE consortium serves the broad community of users employing a wide range of photon and neutron techniques, comprising more than 5000 scientists throughout Germany. The community performs thousands of individual user experiments at central facilities every year, across many disciplines and using a range of techniques and a diverse instrumentation. Individual experiments can produce millions of files and in some cases over 1 PB data per week, depending on the experimental configuration. Moreover, the community is currently witnessing a fundamental change in both the amount of data recorded and the corresponding data rates triggered by the increase in the brightness of the sources themselves (x-ray free-electron lasers, high-brightness storage rings and new neutron facilities) and by the rapid increase in the size and speed of modern detectors. DAPHNE brings together users representing key scientific application domains with the large-scale research facilities in photon and neutron science in order to advance the state of data management in the community. Uniquely, DAPHNE engages directly with the user community to develop user-driven data solutions to advance science experiments. Broadly, we will provide the following tangible infrastructure through DAPHNE for the wider photon and neutron community: 1. Improve metadata capture through consistent workflows supported by user-driven online logbooks linked to the data collection, thus enabling a richer capture of information about the experiments than is currently possible; 2. Establish a community repository of processed data, new reference data bases and analysis code for published results, linked where possible to raw data sources, to sustainably improve access to research data and enable data and software re-use within the community; and 3. Develop, curate and deploy user-developed analysis software on facility computing infrastructure so that ordinary users can benefit from and repeat the analysis performed by leading power user groups through common data analysis portals. Furthermore, it will have strong positive side- effects for international facilities with German participation, such as the ESRF (Grenoble, France) and the ESS (Lund, Sweden).

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) – Project number 460248799

For details, please visit


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2021 - 30.09.2026

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Surface Modification of Lithium Battery Anodes with Multi-Functional Block Copolymers


Lithium metal anode is regarded as one of the most promising next generation anode materials due to its exceptional capacity and lowest electrochemical potential. Nevertheless, formation and excessive growth of lithium dendrites cause series of adverse consequences. It can penetrate the separator to cause serious safety risks and induce formation of dead lithium to harm the coulombic efficiency. Drastic volume changes tend to destroy the solid electrolyte interface layer to deteriorate cyclic stability. These drawbacks seriously hinder practical applications of the lithium metal battery. It is proposed to use multi-functional PDMS based block copolymers and their organic/inorganic nanohybrids to modify the surface of the lithium metal anodes. The PDMS based block copolymers are featured with multiple advantages such as good elastomeric property, excellent lithium affinity, outstanding chemical inertness, capable of structure modification, and good solution processing capability. They can also form nanoscale structures on the lithium metal surface via a microphase separation process. The structure and property of the lithium metal interface is modified, where the formation and growth of lithium dendrites are suppressed, and structure stability of the solid electrolyte interface layer is enhanced. With this strategy, the electrochemical performance of the lithium metal anode is effectively improved. Through this joint project, the surface modification and device performance studies are combined with advanced ex situ and in situ scattering techniques (x-ray and neutron). The methods to perform reliable surface modification of the lithium metal anodes with the multi-functional block copolymers will be established. A good control over the structure and property of the surface modified lithium metal anode interface will be achieved. The structure-performance correlation of the surface modified lithium metal anode will be unveiled, and the mechanism will be understood. The implementation of the proposal will build solid scientific ground for practical application of the lithium metal batteries.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 448754737.


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.09.2021 - 31.08.2024

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
GNeuS - Global Neutron Scientists


The COFUND scheme aims to stimulate regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility and career development, spreading the best practices of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions.
This will be achieved by co-funding new or existing regional, national, and international programmes to open up to, and provide for, international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training, as well as transnational and cross-sectoral mobility of researchers at all stages of their career.

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.09.2021 - 30.09.2026

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No H2020-MSCA-COFUND-2020 GA-ID: 101034266 .

Positron injection and trapping for positron-electron pair plasma creation


Positron injection and trapping for positron-electron pair plasma creation

Electron-positron “pair plasmas” are uniquely symmetrical plasmas in which the negatively and positively charged particles have identical masses, in contrast to the large mass difference between electrons and ions in standard plasmas. After more than four decades of theoretical predictions and calculations on their properties, we are finally on the verge of producing and studying magnetically confined pair plasmas in the laboratory. The results are expected to make a significant contribution to our fundamental understanding of plasma physics, with implications for areas ranging from magnetic confinement in fusion reactors to astrophysical systems where electron-positron plasmas occur naturally. On the way to our goal, the three key challenges are (i) obtaining enough positrons at suitable parameters to be in the plasma regime (collective behavior), (ii) developing traps with sufficiently long confinement times for these positrons, and an equal number of electrons and (iii) transfer – which in the case of positrons must be highly efficient – of the charged particles into the traps. The DFG funding of our project “Positron injection into a magnetic dipole field to study an electron-positron plasma” has enabled significant progress in the area of ​​all three challenges. Highlights included the lossless injection of low-energy positrons into a magnetic dipole field, a long positron confinement (over a second) in this field and the injection of positrons into a pre-existing electron space charge, as well as sophisticated simulations to support the experiments performed and to develop the design of future experiments . Thanks to these results, the work (funded in parallel by other sources) of next-generation particle traps, which will be able to trap a larger number of positrons and electrons, has progressed. In our current project proposal, we explain how we intend to transfer our successes from our last proposal to these new traps in order to further develop these methods and achieve our goal of pair plasmas in the next few years.

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under project number 461996311

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.08.2021 - 31.07.2024

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
CAESAR - Development of high-energy lithium-ion battery cells for mobile applications by combining highly innovative nickel-rich Cathode materials and silicon-dominant anodes


03EI3046F: Collaborative project: CAESAR – Development of high-energy lithium-ion battery cells for mobile applications by combining highly innovative nickel-rich cathode materials and silicon-dominant anodes; Sub-projects: Development of innovative electrode materials and development of a scaling strategy.

Further information at “”:
FKZ 03EI3046F

The TU Munich project at FRM II and the EES, TEC and iwb chairs is financed by the BMWK (project 03EI3046F).


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2021 - 30.06.2024

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
In-Situ Defect Spectroscopy of Al Welds During Mechanical Load Using a Scanning Positron Microbeam


In-Situ Defect Spectroscopy of Al Welds During Mechanical Load Using a Scanning Positron Microbeam

The aim of our project is to fundamentally contribute to the understanding of the connection between material defects that have arisen at the atomic level and the mechanical stability of weld seams. For this purpose, we want to investigate the formation and distribution of defects in laser beam welds and friction stir welds of Al alloys under mechanical loading in situ. Hardenable alloys in particular – we will focus on AlCu6Mn – play an important role in the aerospace industry due to their high tensile strength, excellent corrosion resistance and good weldability. During welding, the high heat input with subsequent rapid cooling leads to a complicated interplay of void formation, dissolution of precipitations and partial healing of defects. This in turn leads to a complex microstructure with a locally dependent concentration of vacancies, precipitates and grain refinement. The associated spatial variation in strength is decisive for the mechanical resilience and the service life of the welded technical component. Spatially resolved positron beam experiments (spatial resolution about 30 µm) are to be carried out because they are particularly suitable for the non-destructive analysis of lattice defects and their element environment in technical alloys. For our experiments we will use the unique scanning positron microbeam on the CDB spectrometer at the high-intensity positron source NEPOMUC. Starting at room temperature up to high temperatures, the in-situ defect analysis should be carried out during the performance of tensile tests and fatigue tests on Al samples. In addition, complementary techniques such as optical microscopy of the microsections and measurements of the micro Vickers hardness are applied. In this way we can correlate the formation and distribution of defects such as vacancies, vacancy-atom complexes and precipitates with macroscopic properties such as tensile strength and hardness. We expect that this project will have a great impact on technical applications not only for welded Al alloys but also for metal alloys in general. In the long term, we want to establish spatially resolved positron annihilation spectroscopy as a powerful tool for defect analysis, which is of great importance in engineering for the application of technical materials and components – e.g. in shipbuilding and in the aircraft and automotive industries.

This project is funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under project number 461170118

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.06.2021 - 31.05.2024

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
NFFA - Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis - Europe|PILOT


For all details on this project, visit


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.03.2021 - 28.02.2026

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No H2020-INFRAIA-2018-2020 .

NEP - Nanoscience Foundries and Fine Analysis - Europe


NEP – Free transnational access to advance nanosciences

Topic: “INFRAIA-03-2020 – Pilot for a new model of Integrating Activities”:

The EU-funded NEP project aims to make common research infrastructure in nanoscience and nanotechnology easier to use. It will provide users with free access to a wide range of services and promote excellent science and technology, while addressing complex challenges in nanoscience. By expanding and consolidating an interoperable distributed research infrastructure for nanosciences, the project will boost research on nano- and micro-scale materials and functional systems. This infrastructure model, supported by NEP, builds on NFFA-Europe’s four years of transnational access delivery experience, which provided combined scientific services to more than 1 000 European users.

This project is funded by the EU’s HORIZON2020 action plan.



Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.03.2021 - 28.02.2026

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101007417.

Molecular brushes with amphiphilic thermoresponsive side chains – from synthesis over solutions to self-assembled gels


The research project addresses the behavior of dense graft-copolymers (molecular brushes, MB) in solution and gel state. The MB side chains are diblock or random copolymers of thermoresponsive and permanently hydrophilic segments. Varying the molecular parameters, such as the backbone length, the lengths and sequence of the segments in the side chains results in rich phase and self-assembly behavior. As a system, we chose poly(2-oxazoline)s because the water solubility of the segments can be minutely fine-tuned by the choice of the 2-substitution. The backbone of the MB will consist of poly(2-isopropenyl-2-oxazoline) and the side chains from (water-soluble) poly(2-methyl-2-oxazoline) and (thermoresponsive) poly(2-iso/n-propyl-2-oxazoline) segments. Starting from POx MBs with short to long backbones, the shape of the MBs will be varied from spherical to elongated. The phase behavior of the MBs will be tuned by the systematic addition of thermoresponsive segments and the amphiphilic motif (distal and core blocks or random). Therefor, the established synthesis has to be further developed, using living-anionic and controlled radical polymerization techniques. Additionally, we will develop more complex polymer architectures (star-like MBs and dumb-bells) with the aim of complex gel formation and programmed self-assembly behavior by hydrophilic and hydrophobic voxels of the single-molecule nanoobjects. The temperature-dependent behavior of the MBs will be studied in dilute and concentrated aqueous solutions in dependence on the molecular architecture. The focus is on the influence of the collapse of the thermoresponsive blocks on the size and shape, the inner structure, the self-assembly, gel formation and switching behavior and the collective dynamics. At this, the methods fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering and small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering. These experimental investigations will be accompanied by computer simulations by the Russian partner, who focuses on the self-assembly of the MBs in selective solvents, the formation of uni- to multimolecular clusters/micelles and the swelling/collapse behavior of self-assembled physical hydrogels. Simulation methods include the development of atomistic models of synthesized copolymers and their mesoscopic coarse-grained analogues, which will be studied via either dissipative particle dynamics or molecular dynamics. The unique combination of advanced polymer synthesis, experimental structural investigations and computer simulations will give comprehensive insight into the behavior of thermoresponsive molecular brushes with complex architecture.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 429657854.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

04.02.2021 - 03.02.2024

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
AINX - Al for neutron and X-ray scattering


For more information, visit

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2021 - 31.12.2023



FRM0911 – Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with reduced uranium enrichment.

More information here

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Researchunder the project number FRMUMO.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

17.11.2020 - 31.10.2021

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
EU Qualify - European Qualification Approach for Low Enriched Fuel Systems for secure production supply of medical isotopes


This project will contribute to ensuring the availability of HPPR’s, and thus enhance the security of the EU’s capacity in the production of medical radioisotopes. It will thus contribute to health care through provision of innovative medical radioisotopes necessary for diagnostic and therapy and will support European industry by maintaining access to research reactor irradiation capabilities.

For further information, please visit


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.10.2020 - 30.09.2024

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No H2020-Euratom-1 - 945009 .

HZBT - Relocation of the FLEXX and E9 instruments from the Helmholtz Center Berlin to the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Center (MLZ), Garching


HZBT – Relocation of the FLEXX and E9 instruments from the Helmholtz Center Berlin to the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Center (MLZ), Garching

The FLEXX and E9 instruments are to be dismantled at the Helmholtz Center Berlin and transported to the MLZ. Here they are to be adapted to the local specifications, upgraded and put into operation.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research – grant number 05E20WO1.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

15.09.2020 - 14.09.2024

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SimKom - Simulation and experimental validation of residual stresses in laser-generated composite materials


The aim is to find ways for optimizing the stress distribution by numerical investigations. For instance, the influence of processing conditions on the residual stresses may be analyzed to optimize the processing method. The project is divided into multiple stages and tackled with the help of two partners: Bremen Institute for Applied Beam Technology (BIAS) and Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) in Garching. As illustrated in the overview above, our part can be summarised within two key aspects modeling and simulation, while BIAS will develop the underlying technical process and MLZ will perform neutron diffraction measurements that will help in the calibration of the simulation and for experimental validation.

The research project is carried out in the framework of the industrial collective research programme (IGF no. 21079N/3). It is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) through the AiF (German Federation of Industrial Research Associations eV) based on a decision taken by the German Bundestag.

For more information, visit

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2020 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Action
nPDFSAS: Simultaneous polarized SANS and neutron PDF methods to study new electrode materials


Collaborative project 05K2020 – 2019-06117 nPDFSAS: Simultaneous polarized SANS and neutron PDF methods for investigating new electrode materials

Sub-project 1:

Sub-project 2:

Development of the nPDFSAS methodology on the KWS-1 instrument by the Jülich Research Center and the University of Cologne is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K20CJA and 05K20PKA)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2020 - 30.06.2024

IPERION HS - Integrating Platforms for the European Research Infrastructure ON Heritage Science


The core mission of the IPERION HS project is to further integrate and open European facilities for the study, restoration and conservation of cultural heritage, towards the establishment of the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS, an ESFRI Project). IPERION HS will thus launch and operate an integrating activity to support research in heritage science in Europe and beyond.

For more information, visit and

This project was funded through the EU’s HORIZON 2020 programm


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.04.2020 - 31.03.2023

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No H2020-INFRAIA-2019-1 - 871034.

Microscopic and Macroscopic Analysis of the anelastic behavior of steel with regard to springback prediction


In terms of lightweight design, for example, the use of high and ultra-high strength steels leads to challenges in elastic springback and thus dimensional accuracy. Although a large number of studies have already dealt with this phenomenon, there is no holistic view on the macroscopic and microscopic mechanisms and analysis of their correlation. The anelastic, so called plastically reversible, portion of the elastic unloading is differently explained in the microscopic level. Phase transformations, experimental setup errors, Poission’s ratio, and movement of dislocations are current assumptions for the observed nonlinear behavior. However, the arguments are based on macroscopic experiments and cannot prove of the microscopic assumptions. Microscopic investigations have shown that at the atomic level effects occur which differ from the macroscopic behavior. A coupling of microscopic parameters, such as local dislocation densities, phase transformations and microscopic stresses with macroscopic stress-strain behavior considering the elastic behavior of metallic materials, is lacking so far and should therefore be carried out in this research.The aim of this project is to analyze the elastic and anelastic behavior of the materials IF220 and DP1000 during loading and unloading, taking into account the rolling directions as well as the pre-strain, in order to develop, validate and verify a comprehensive and physically consistent model to predict springback of formed sheet metal components. Normal and cyclic tensile tests are carried out for this purpose and evaluated on the one hand microscopically by means of in situ neutron diffraction and on the other hand macroscopically by optical and tactile strain measurement. As part of the microscopic investigations in addition to the lattice strains, the change in the dislocation density and the texture development is analyzed using pole figures. These microscopic parameters are the basis of a physically consistent description of the processes. The microscopic results can be correlated with the macroscopic material behavior by means of parallel, synchronous measurement of the macroscopic deformation and the global load condition. Based on the interactions including pre-strain and rolling directions, a loading and unloading model is derived. Finally, the model will be implemented into a simulation environment as well as validated and verified using real experiments.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 429432653.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

07.02.2020 - 30.06.2022

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
EURIZONE, ex-CREMLINplus - Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures


Successor project of CREMLIN (Horizon 2020, GA No. 654166) entitled “Connecting Russian and European Measures for Large-scale Research Infrastructures – plus”.

More information here

This project was funded through the EU’s HORIZON 2020 programm


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.02.2020 - 31.01.2024

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No EU H2020-INFRASUPP-01-2018-2020 - 871072.

ExODiff - Exploring oxygen diffusion mechanisms in Pr2NiO4+d under in situ conditions by neutron scattering


The project aims at studying the impact of lattice dynamics and oxygen ordering on the amplification of oxygen mobility at low temperature in the K2NiF4-type oxide Pr2NiO4+delta. In particular, it will allow evaluating and extending a newly proposed phonon-assisted oxygen diffusion mechanism, enabling to rationalize oxygen mobility features in solid oxides, from room to moderate temperatures. If it can be confirmed that, at low temperature, oxygen mobility is essentially triggered by lattice instabilities combined with low energy phonon modes, this will have an important impact not only for a fundamental understanding of the diffusion mechanism, but also for the concept of designing and optimizing new oxygen ion conductors. It is obvious that this will strongly enhance their potential for a variety of technological applications such as oxygen membranes, sensors or catalysts, especially in the low temperature regime.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 431446509.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Nucleation of Helium clusters in metals studied by positron annihilation combined with ion beam analysis and temperature programmed desorption


Within the planned project we want to explore the underlying physics of the helium cluster nucleation process in molybdenum and tungsten. The main goal of the project is to reveal the role of lattice defects for He induced cluster nucleation, and to determine experimentally the binding energies of helium atoms at the simplest trapping site, i.e. a mono-vacancy with a low helium occupancy level, for the two model systems molybdenum and tungsten.The nucleation of He clusters and their growth to bubbles is known to occur in most metals as soon as a sufficient helium concentration and temperature is reached. This can either happen due to helium atoms entering the metal, although here a fairly high energy barrier of up to several eV needs to be overcome, or as consequence of alpha decay inside the metal. Since this occurs in nuclear fission and fusion devices, the phenomenon has been studied extensively in the context of nuclear engineering. Therefore, the implications of helium cluster growth for the macroscopic properties of many reactor relevant materials are well understood, but an experimentally confirmed model describing the He cluster nucleation on an atomic scale is not available so far. In the last decade an increasing number of computational studies have come to the conclusion that a combination of two mechanisms, namely helium self-trapping and trap-mutation is required to explain He cluster nucleation and growth. However, this hypothesis has not been tested experimentally. Within the scope of this project we aim to deliver this experimental test. We plan to prepare samples with a well-defined defect type and concentration, which will be subsequently characterized using the coincidence Doppler broadening spectrometer (CDBS) and positron annihilation lifetime spectroscopy (PALS) at the worlds brightest positron source (NEPOMUC) at FRM II. NEPOMUC is run by the first applicant as expert for positron experiments. These samples will then be implanted ex situ with helium at energies below the displacement damage threshold. Once the proposed upgrade of the CDBS with a He ion source is completed, in situ He loading will be done as well. Ion beam analysis (IBA) (nuclear reaction analysis and elastic recoil detection analysis) will be performed to study the distribution of helium in the near-surface region. Finally temperature programmed desorption (TPD) will give the binding energies of helium atoms at the trapping sites. The results will be correlated with the positron analytics results obtained by CDBS and PALS in order to assign TPD peaks to specific trapping sites. The experimentally obtained binding energies can then be directly compared to the literature values derived in computational studies. The IBA and TPD studies will be carried out in labs run by the second applicant, whose experience in hydrogen-and hydrogen metal interaction will be of great value.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation under the project number 429845086.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2020 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
FRM2023 - Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with reduced uranium enrichment.


FRM0911 – Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with reduced uranium enrichment.

More information “here”:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the stateministery of science and culture of Bavaria under the project number FRM2023.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ExZellTUM III - Center of Excellence for Battery Cells at the Technical University of Munich


The “Centre of Excellence for Battery Cells at the Technical University of Munich” has built up competences in battery production, so that the entire process chain is managed by four research groups of the TUM: Chair for Technical Electrochemistry, Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz, Institute for Electrical Energy Storage Technology, Institute for Machine Tools and Industrial Management.

Within the framework of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) funding initiative “Competence Cluster for Battery Materials (ExcellBattMat)”, the research focus at the ExcellentBattery Centre Munich lies on the material, chemical and electrochemical characterization and analysis as well as the modelling of next-generation anode and cathode materials. On the cathode side, the focus is on overlithiated and low-cobalt or cobalt-free NCM materials. These so-called HE-NCM cathodes are combined with silicon anodes.

Further development of electrochemical models offers an opportunity for characterization and analysis of lithium-ion cells with next generation anode and cathode materials. The results can directly be fed into the BMBF innovation pipeline (ProZell cluster) in order to enhance the production of next generation lithium-ion cells and strengthen the battery production in Germany. New findings will help to understand the aging mechanisms of anodes with a high silicon content (≈70%) in large-sized lithium-ion cells and bring silicon anodes further towards a commercialization.

For more information, please visit:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the project number 03XP0081 and 03XP0255.


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.12.2019 - 30.04.2023

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
GENIE - Utilizing residual stresses in electrical sheet metal to increase energy efficiency


Great efforts have already been made to achieve higher efficiencies of electric machines, but fundamentally new approaches are required to unlock additional potential. The targeted use of residual stresses and the resulting possibilities to change the magnetic properties in electrical steel sheets creates entirely new design options for future electric machines. As an example, in current electric drives, the magnetic flux is controlled by gaps in the electrical steel sheet, reducing the mechanical strength of the components. In contrast, residual stress induced by embossing acts, due to the magneto-elastic effect, as a flux barrier. This effect allows to guide the magnetic flux without reducing the mechanical strength of the components, thus enabling higher rotational speeds resulting in more efficient drives. In addition, the more homogeneous flux control, which enables better material utilization, could improve the efficiency of any electric machine.In the first phase of the project, the relationship between induced residual stresses and the reduction of magnetic permeability, which is the basic principle for the creation of flux barriers, was demonstrated. The residual stresses were reproducibly adjusted and varied on real parts. By means of neutron grating interferometry, single-sheet tests, nanoindentation and corresponding simulation models, the introduced residual stresses and their effects on the magnetizability could be illustrated.The working hypothesis, the project is based on, has been proven correct during the first phase. Hence, in the second phase of the project the focus will be on the quantification of residual stresses and their effects on the behavior during operation of the material. For this purpose, samples with a homogeneous distribution of embossings along the cross section of the sample will be produced to quantify the behavior of the embossed areas. Similarly, samples with partially embossed areas representing the application of embossings as flux barriers will be produced. To model the load appearing during real operation, the quantification methods have to be further developed to allow recording alternating magnetic fields and the superposition of statically applied and additional dynamic stresses, allowing them to be taken into account in the models. Besides the quantification of the measurement results, a central goal of the second phase is the quantification of the benefit of magnetic flux control using residual stress in comparison to a punched reference, which is to be defined.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 374548845.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2019 - 30.09.2023

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation


Joint project 05K2019 – HiMat: An innovative testing machine for heating, quenching, drawing, pressing and cracking investigations of industrially relevant high-temperature alloys.

Further information at “”:
Subproject 1, FKZ 05K19WO7,
Subproject 2, FKZ 05K19WEC,

The development of HiMat by the TU Munich and the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05K19WO7 and 05K19WEC).


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2019 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
NeutroSense - Ultra high resolution study of water transport in alkaline fuel and electrolysis cells


Joint project 05K2019 NeutroSense: Ultra-high-resolution investigation of water transport in alkaline fuel and electrolysis cells using neutron radiography and tomography

This joint project is divided into two sub-projects. Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue:

“Sub-project 1”:

Sub-project 2.

The construction of the component on the ANTARES instrument by the Technical University of Munich and the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (TP 1 is listed under the funding number 05K19WO2, TP 2 under the funding number 05K19VFA).


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2019 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
RAPtOr - High accuracy robot for sample positioning in strain and texture measurements using neutron diffraction


Joint project 05K2019 RAPtOr: High-precision robot for sample positioning for residual stress and texture analysis using neutron diffraction.

This joint project is divided into two sub-projects:

Further information can be found in the Federal Funding Catalogue:
Sub-project 1

“Sub-project 2”:

The construction of the component on the STRESS-SPEC instrument by the Technical University of Munich and the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (TP 1 is listed under the funding number 05K19WO1, TP 2 under the funding number 05K19WEA ).


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2019 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ERWIN (2019) - Energy Research WIth Neutrons


More information here

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the project number 05K19VK3.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
NHSM - Next generation horizontal SANS magnet (NHSM) for quantum phenomena in nanostructures and correlated electron systems


NHSM – Next generation horizontal SANS magnet (NHSM) for quantum phenomena in nanostructures and correlated electron systems

The main objective of this proposal is the development of a 12T horizontal-field sample surround magnet for small-angle neutron scattering (SANS), reflectometry and grazing incidence small-angle scattering (GISANS), optimized for the study of strongly correlated electron systems and magnetism.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: “LINK”.

The component on the SANS-1 instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19WO4).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2019 - 31.12.2020

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
MUSHROOM - Concept study for the development of an indirect crystal spectrometer at the FRM II


MUSHROOM – Concept study for the development of an indirect crystal spectrometer at the FRM II

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the MUSHROOM instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19WOA).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2019 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SAPHiR (2019) - Construction of a Multi-Anvil high-pressure press at the Research Neutron Source (FRM II)


SAPHiR (2019) – Construction of a multi-anvil type high pressure press at the FRM II

Further information at

The construction of the SAPHIR instrument by the University of Bayreuth was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19WCA).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2019 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
KOMPASS (2019) - Cold neutron triaxial spectrometer


COMPASS (2019) – Cold three-axis spectrometer

A cold three-axis spectrometer KOMPASS is to be set up at the FRM-II, which is optimized for permanent neutron polarization analysis. For this purpose, various polarization techniques are implemented and different working modes are developed.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of the KOMPASS instrument by the University of Cologne was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19PK1).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2019 - 30.06.2024

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
BAMBUS (2019) - Development of a Flatcone-Multidetector System with Energy Analysis for the cold three-axes spectrometer PANDA


BABAMBUS – A flatcone multidetector system with energy analysis for the cold neutron three-axis spectrometer PANDA

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: link

The construction of the BAMBUS sample environment on the PANDA instrument was financed by the TU Dresden through the BMBF as part of the ErUM-Pro project funding (project 05K19OD1)

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2019 - 30.06.2021

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
N4DP - Time resolved Isotope Tracking with Cold Neutrons


N4DP – Time-Resolved Isotope Analysis with Cold Neutrons

In this project we extend the existing PGAA instrument at the FRM II with an option for neutron-based four-dimensional profiling (N4DP). This enables non-destructive quantitative mapping of local distributions of light elements such as 3He, 6Li, 10B or 14N with high sensitivity and resolution almost independent of the bulk composition.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the extension to the PGAA instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19WO8).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2019 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POSI-LIFE New instrumentation for positron lifetime experiments at NEPOMUC


POSILIFE – New instrumentation for positron lifetime experiments at NEPOMUC

The construction of a new instrumentation on the NEPOMUC instrument by the Bundeswehr University was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19WN1).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
MIEZEFOC - MIEZE Modular construction


MIEZEFOC – Modular MIEZE construction with focus

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The expansion of the RESEDA instrument by the TU Munich was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19WO3).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2019 - 30.06.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
HPneutrons - Development and optimisation of the high-pressure devices for polarised and non-polarised neutron diffraction and spectroscopy


HPneutrons – Development and optimization of high-pressure sample environment for neutron diffraction and spectroscopy at the instruments HEiDi, POLI, MIRA and DNS at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the sample environments in the instruments HEiDi, POLI, MIRA and DNS by the RWTH Aachen and the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19PA2).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

Laufzeit regulär: 01.07.2019-30.06.2022; kostenneutrale Verlängerung bis 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
MISANS (Modulated Intensity Small Angle Neutron Scattering) at the instrument RESEDA (Resonant Spin-Echo for Diverse Applications)


MISANS – Resonant Longitudinal MISANS (Modulated Intensity Small Angle Neutron Scattering) Spin-Echo Spectroscopy at the instrument RESEDA (Resonant Spin-Echo for Diverse Applications)

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the expansion of the RESEDA instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19WO5).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2019 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
NeutIR - Combined neutron scattering and IR-spectroscopy


NeutIR – Combined neutron scattering and IR spectroscopy

In situ observation of structural changes in biological macromolecules – combined neutron scattering and IR absorption spectroscopy reveals details of protein structure formation.

Further information at

The construction of the NeuTIR sample environment by the Jülich research center was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19PA3).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2019 - 30.04.2023

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POWTEX (2019) - a time-of-flight diffractometer at FRM II


POWTEX (2019) – High Intensity Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffractometer at FRM II

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The high-intensity time-of-flight neutron diffractometer POWTEX at RWTH Aachen University was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19PA1). The RWTH Aachen University and the Georg-August University of Göttingen receive the funds to develop the appropriate software.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2019 - 30.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Mechanisms for multiferroicity in rare-earth orthoferrites: Role of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction


The aim of this project is to determine the microscopic mechanisms responsible for the coupling between the magnetic and ferroelectric order parameters in multiferroic materials, where ferroelectricity is induced by magnetic ordering (type-II multiferroics). Particular attention will be paid to the elucidation of the role of the antisymmetric Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya (DM) interaction which is considered to be one of the main components responsible for the multiferroicity. Clarification of the origin of the coupling between the magnetic and ferroelectric order parameters would allow to create new functional materials with desired properties.We plan to study the crystal and magnetic structures and magnetic interactions in rare-earth orthoferrites RFeO3 (R = Ho, Dy, Lu, Tb and Tm). Various neutron scattering techniques are planned to be applied for the investigation of crystal and magnetic properties of the RFeO3 family members. The peculiarities of their complex magnetic structures and their evolution under external conditions, such as temperature, magnetic and electric fields will be studied by polarized neutron diffraction, including both the unique spherical neutron polarimetry technique as well as the classical flipping-ratio method. Investigations of the magnetic dynamics will be performed by means of inelastic neutron scattering, which allows to obtain the magnetic exchange interaction parameters. Detailed studies of RFeO3 crystal structures, namely the search for structural distortions in a weak ferromagnetic phase to demonstrate the expected symmetry lowering will be done by both unpolarized neutron and X-ray diffraction techniques as well as dilatometry measurements. Results of the proposed experimental studies will be analyzed in relation to the ferroelectric phases of these materials. Based on the obtained results, the model of magnetoelectric interactions responsible for the multiferroic properties in orthoferrites will be developed and its level of universality will be established.

More information here.

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 410123747.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

Laufzeit regulär: 01.07.2019-31.12.2022; kostenneutrale Verlängerung bis 31.03.2023

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
RESEDA (2019) - Resonant longitudinal MISANS spin-echo spectroscopy at RESEDA


RESEDA (2019) – Resonant longitudinal MISANS spin-echo spectroscopy at RESEDA

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: link:

The further development of the REFSANS instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K19WO5)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2019 - 30.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Rheology and structural properties of protein and particle-stabilized foams - A multi-scale approach


The project aims at a deeper understanding and a better control of rheology and structural properties of protein and particle-stabilized foams. Therefore, the correlation between structure and dynamics has to be investigated on different length scales. We want to employ a multi-scale approach comprising the macroscopic foam, single foam films/ lamellae as well as the liquid/air interface. This strategy requires different scientific and technical skills not covered by an individual research group. The Willenbacher group (mechanical process engineering) contributes its expertise regarding rheology of foams and interfaces. The Müller-Buschbaum group (physics) will use various scattering techniques to explore the structure of the adsorbed amphiphilic surface layer. The v. Klitzing group (physical chemistry) has profound experience in characterizing interactions in foam films and interfacial absorption phenomena.Yield stress and shear modulus are crucial parameters characterizing rheological properties of foams. Preliminary work on milk protein foams disclosed that these physical parameters are directly related to interfacial elastic properties of the corresponding protein solutions. But under certain physico-chemical conditions drastic deviations from these simple correlations between foam rheology and interfacial elasticity were found presumably due to aggregation and structure formation within foam films interconnecting adjacent surface layers. Based on these findings the proposed project has two goals:1. We want to evaluate whether the simple relationship between yield stress and modulus of foams and interfacial elasticity of corresponding solutions found for milk proteins is also valid for other systems. Different proteins and nanoparticles will be used for foam stabilization. Based on these data a predictive physical model relating foam rheological parameters and interfacial elasticity of corresponding solutions will be developed.2. Under certain physico-chemical conditions (pH, ionic strength and valency) the above mentioned relationship between interfacial and foam rheology fails. Aggregation and structure formation of surface active ingredients at the liquid/ air interface and within foam lamellae will be investigated.Specular and grazing incidence X-ray and neutron reflection will be used to elucidate the lateral and vertical composition of the surface layer (length scale: 1-100 nm). Lateral heterogeneities of the surface layer on a micrometer length scale will be deduced from variations in the thermal diffusivity of tracer particles. Furthermore, aggregation and structure formation will be explored with respect to foam film stability using the Thin Film Pressure Balance technique. Structural investigations during drainage will reveal how and at which characteristic state of drainage structure formation across foam lamellae takes place.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 395854042.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.05.2019 - 30.04.2022

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
LiSi - Grenzflächenuntersuchungen an Li-Metall/Festelektrolyten mit Neutronenmethoden


Joint project LiSi – Interface investigations on Li-metal/solid electrolytes with neutron methods

Further information can be found in the Federal Funding Catalogue:

Sub-project 1
Sub-project 2
Sub-project 3
Sub-project 4
Sub-project 5 (FZJ):

and: LINK safer/

The construction of the LiSi instrument by the Technical University of Munich, the KIT, the Justus Liebig University Gießen and the Research Center Jülich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 03XP0224C, 03XP0224D, 03XP0224E, 13XP0224A and 13XP0224B)


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.2019 - 31.10.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ESS-ODIN - Instrument construction project: detailed design, manufacturing and procurement, installation and integration


Instrument 13.6.5 (ODIN) construction project: detailed design, manufacturing and procurement, installation and integration

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

24.01.2019 - 31.12.2023

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ESS C-SPEC - Instrument CSPEC construction project


Instrument CSPEC construction project: detailed design, manufacturing and procurement, installation and integration

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the project number ESS-0099059.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

24.01.2019 - 31.12.2023

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
BrightnESS-2: Bringing together a neutron ecosystem for sustainable science with ESS


BrightnESS² is a European Union-funded project within the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program. There are 15 institutes and universities from Europe and South Africa participating in the BrightnESS² partnership. The total budget is nearly €5 M and the duration of the project is three years. The European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, Sweden, will enable both fundamental and applied research. BrightnESS² is an integrated program in support of long-term sustainability of ESS, its community, and the network of neutron sources in Europe.

More information here

The project is funded by the EU’s HORIZON 2020 program.


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2019 - 30.06.2022

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No H2020-EU. - 823867 .

e-conversion: Fundamentals of Energy Conversion Processes


Today’s sustainable energy research targets specific energy technologies and their related materials. The cluster e-conversion instead strives to establish a complementary paradigm that bridges major energy conversion strategies ranging from photovoltaics through (photo)electrocatalysis to batteries by focusing on the materials interfaces that underlie these functions. Critical bottlenecks like recombination and relaxation losses, overpotentials, and resistances arise due to insufficient control of microscopic excitation and energy conversion (e-conversion) processes at these interfaces. E-conversion therefore merges the powerful concepts of nanoscience and mechanistic energy research to create well-defined and tunable reference systems, and to establish fundamental understanding through their comprehensive (operando) characterization. For this, we will structure and sculpt materials from their constituting units to achieve controlled morphologies and molecular architectures. We will follow and orchestrate processes as short as femtoseconds and observe matter with resolution down to atomic dimensions. Research thrusts will address e-conversion processes at interfaces between different solid phases, between solids and liquids, and between molecular layers and solids. Unprecedented synergies, cross-fertilization and coherence of the research program arise from materials and processes common to different energy applications, and from different interfaces all contributing towards specific energy solutions.With this agenda, e-conversion will act as innovation hub for the development of novel microscopic concepts regarding the efficient conversion of excitations and energy at interfaces that currently limit sustainable energy technologies. The enhanced knowledge base and a deep understanding of the key bottlenecks will fuel intrinsically new approaches towards enhanced efficiencies, improved stabilities and a sustainable materials base. Our mechanism-oriented strategy will be consciously extended over a wide range of novel materials and morphologies. Evolving the exploratory research towards scalable synthesis and processing methods, e-conversion will thereby break the ground for developing a wide scope of new systems with optimized optoelectronic, photocatalytic and electrochemical functions.For these ambitious endeavors, e-conversion draws on a scientific ecosystem of experts and facilities in nanoscience and energy research that is uniquely present in the Munich area. Young academics will strongly benefit from the dynamic environment of the cluster, and will be directly supported through access to a seed funding scheme and research fellowships as well as a comprehensive offer of workshops, mentoring, family and diversity programs. These and all other activities are driven by the enthusiasm and determination to create a rich and rewarding experience in both research and education for established and young academics alike.

More information here

This DFG-programme “Clusters for Excellence” is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 390776260 (EXC 2089: e-conversion) .

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2019 - 31.12.2024

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Kinetics of aggregation in thermoresponsive polymer solutions upon a pressure jump


The research project planned addresses the relation between the hydration of thermoresponsive polymers in aqueous solution and the kinetics of their aggregation upon a pressure jump from the one-phase to the two-phase state. In dependence on temperature and pressure, non-ionic thermoresponsive polymers exhibit an elliptical coexistence line. It is well known that, at high pressure, the hydrophobic hydration of polymers at the phase transition decreases less than at atmospheric pressure. Moreover, the hydrogen bonds of the polar groups play an important role for the phase transition. Pressure jumps across the phase transition are an alternative to temperature jumps and offer the possibility to characterize the kinetics of aggregation and to relate it to the hydration state. In contrast to temperature jumps, also the early stages are accessible. Moreover, the dissolution of aggregates can be investigated in the reverse pressure jumps. At this, time-resolved measurements of the light transmission as well as time-resolved small-angle neutron and X-ray scattering are used. In addition, the interactions between polymer and water shall be investigated using Raman spectroscopy in dependence on temperature and pressure. Three systems are in the focus: (A) PNIPAM, (B) PNIPMAM, and © PS-b-PNIPAM diblock copolymers, all in aqueous solution. System A is a reference system, which we have investigated in numerous static investigations. System B features two-step behavior at the temperature-induced phase transition at atmospheric pressure, which is due to the enhanced hydrophobic interactions compared to PNIPAM. System C forms micelles with a thermoresponsive shell, and the results from system A can be applied to this self-assembled system. From the characterization of the aggregate growth, the growth mechanisms, the energy barriers and the collision times of the aggregates shall be determined and shall be related to the hydration. This way, a relation between the molecular interactions and the kinetics at mesoscopic length scales will be derived, which are applied to a more complex system.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 403786900.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.11.2018 - 31.10.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
CSC HAT alloy


This project was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the project number 57395819.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

21.08.2018 - 21.02.2020

Funding organisation

  • German Academic Exchange Service
Multi-Component Electronic Correlations in Non-Centrosymmetric f-Electron Compounds


In metallic f-electron compounds the effects of electronic correlations are exceptionally pronounced, driving conventional and unconventional forms of spin and charge order. Despite many decades of intense research in heavy fermion materials, an important unresolved question concerns to what extent the effects of strong correlations reflect the interplay of nearly equivalent energy scales such as magnetic interactions, spin and lattice anisotropies, crystal electric fields magneto-elastic coupling etc. Recent studies in non-centrosymmetric f-electron compounds reveal, that the coupling of phonons, crystal field excitations and magnons stabilise new forms of hybrid excitations, unconventional superconductivity and complex forms of magnetic order. We propose to develop a detailed phenomenological account of the nature of electronic correlations in carefully selected non-centrosymmetric f-electron compounds, combining the preparation of high quality single-crystals, bulk and transport measurements under extreme conditions, comprehensive neutron scattering studies and measurements of quantum oscillations. We propose to focus in our studies on the class of isostructural CeTAl3 and CeTGa3 compounds (where T stands for a transition metal), as well as complimentary systems selected to expose unconventional behaviour.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 323760292.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.03.2018 - 28.02.2022

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Co-nonsolvency Induced Self-Organization of Thermoresponsive Block Copolymers in Solution and in Thin Films


The research project addresses the self-assembly of responsive amphiphilic block copolymers having different architectures (di-, tri- and star block copolymers) in mixtures of water and organic solvents under cononsolvency conditions. The block copolymers, which consistently contain poly(methylmethacrylate) as permanently hydrophobic block, use three different thermoresponsive blocks (PNIPAM, PNIPMAM and PNVIBAM), in which the molecular fine structure of the hydrophilic amide groups is systematically varied. The synthesis will be carried out using RAFT (Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer) and switchable chain transfer agents. A special focus of the investigations is on the comparison of the cononsolvency-induced self-assembly in the bulk phase and in thin films.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 353024969.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2018 - 31.12.2020

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
LEU FOREvER: Low Enriched Uranium Fuels fOR REsEarch Reactors


Securing the nuclear fuel supply for European research reactors is the overall objective of the FOREvER project. Our analysis points out two main risks of shortage:
  1. The very challenging conversion of High Performance Research Reactors (HPRRs) from High to Low Enriched Uranium fuels (LEU)
  2. The ROSATOM monopoly to fuel medium power research reactors (MPRRs) with original Soviet design.

More information here


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2017 - 30.09.2022

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No HORIZON2020 - 754378.

Thin films from pH and thermoresponsive triblock copolymers


Thin films from pH and thermoresponsive triblock copolymers: from network dynamics to defect-free films

The research project proposed investigates the self-organisation and dynamics of triblock copolymers which have thermoresponsive end blocks and a pH responsive middle block. The end blocks are statistical copolymers from hydrophobic and thermoresponsive monomers and feature lower critical solution behavior. The middle blocks are weak cationic polyelectrolytes which have strongly pH dependent chain conformations. The thermoresponsive properties of the end blocks enable the control of the network dynamics: At temperatures below the phase transition, the crosslinks are dynamic, whereas they are frozen above. The responsivity of the end and middle blocks shall be exploited to prepare perfectly ordered, nanostructured thin films. These swell strongly in water or water vapor and are therefore a model system for sensors. The degree of swelling depends on the preparation conditions. Firstly, the network structures will be studied in dependence on polymer concentration, H value, ionic strength and temperature. The network dynamics will be investigated with dynamic light scattering, both in the conventional way and with a rotating sample. Secondly, on the basis of these results, the swelling behavior of thick films and the structural changes shall be studied during swelling in water at different relevant pH values, ionic strength and temperatures. These investigations are carried out using synchrotron small-angle X-ray scattering. Thirdly, thin films will be prepared at selected pH values and ionic strengths. Their swelling behavior and structural changes during swelling in water vapor and during drying. At this, the network dynamics will be varied by change of temperature to achieve defect-free structures and to conserve them. These films may be considered as model systems for sensors.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 323407593.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2017 - 31.03.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
EUSMI - European infrastructure for spectroscopy, scattering and imaging of soft matter


European infrastructure for spectroscopy, scattering and imaging of soft matter

Topic: H2020-INFRAIA-2016-1

EUSMI will provide the community of European soft-matter researchers with an open-access infrastructure as a platform to support and extend their research, covering characterization, synthesis, and modeling.
Where ESMI has set the standard for the past five years, EUSMI will significantly go beyond. EUSMI will enhance the European competitiveness in soft-matter research and innovation through the integration and the extension of the scope of existing specialized infrastructures. A full suite of coherent key infrastructures and the corresponding expertise from 15 top-level institutions are combined within EUSMI, which will become accessible to a broad community of researchers operating at different levels of the value chain, including SMEs and applied research. Access is offered to infrastructures covering the full chain of functional soft-matter material research, ranging from advanced material characterization by a full suite of specialized experimental installations, including large-scale facilities, chemical synthesis of a full set of soft-matter materials, upscaling of laboratory synthesis, to modeling by high-performance supercomputing.
The existing infrastructure will be continuously improved by JRA to allow users to conduct research always employing the most advanced techniques and methods..
In addition, an ambitious networking programme will ensure efficient dissemination and communication, as well as continued education of established researchers and training of an emerging generation of scientist. This approach will drive academic research and innovation in soft nanotechnology by providing a multidisciplinary set of essential research capabilities and expertise to guide users, developing the next generation of techniques and instruments to synthesize, characterize, and numerically simulate novel soft matter materials and contributing to the creation of a broad knowledge basis.

This project is funded by the EU’ HORIZON2020 action plan.


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2017 - 31.12.2021

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731019.

In-situ investigations of condensation, nucleation and growth of metal films and nanostructures on organic surfaces during sputter deposition


While sputtering of metal coatings on polymers is well established, the early deposition stages are still not well understood due to the complex nature of the deposition process. However, particularly the sub-monolayer regime with its transient 2D nanogranular and ramified structures is of great interest for hosts of emerging applications ranging from plasmonics through sensors to organic photovoltaics. These applications require precise control and understanding of the sputter deposition of sub-monolayer metallic nanostructures on polymer surfaces prior to the formation of a closed film. In the current funding period, the early deposition stages were monitored for selected metal-polymer systems in real time with high special and temporal resolution by means of grazing incidence small angle scattering (GISAXS) in a specially designed mobile sputter chamber at the MiNaXS/P03 instrument of the synchrotron radiation source PETRAIII. The unique results, combined with modelling and various other in situ and ex-situ techniques as well as computer simulations have provided a profound understanding of sub-monolayer sputter deposition. In the 2nd funding period, even more complex processes such as deposition of 2D nanogranular metal alloy films and sputtering onto block copolymer films will be studied. For nanoscale metal alloy structures, marked deviations from bulk phase diagrams are to be expected. This will inter alia allow in-situ observation of phase separation in growing complex nanostructures. Block copolymer substrates will give rise to tailored nanostructures, because they involve selective wetting and nucleation on one of the blocks at different tailorable length scales. At a later stage, glancing-angle deposition will provide another exciting subject of investigation.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 238058777.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.2017 - 31.03.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
NEPOMUC - An intense positron pulse source


Experiments with positrons have so far used continuous beams or pulsed beams of low density and high repetition rate. Here we suggest to use recently developed techniques for efficient storage of positrons to build a positron trap of unprecedented capacity. It will enable to store the primary beam of the NEPOMUC beamline, and produce short, very intense positron pulses from this IPPS (Intense Positron Pulse Source).Positrons will be stored in a system of cylindrical traps in which positrons are travelling along the field lines of a superconducting electromagnet, and are additionally confined by electrostatic potentials (Penning- Malmberg trap). The project aims for a storage capacity of 10^12 particles. In order to achieve this figure, a system of several Penning-Malmberg traps will be used, that are radially arranged around the central axis of the magnet. To fill the traps, positrons will be transported radially (perpendicular to the fieldlines) in a so-called Master cell, spanning the whole diameter of the magnet.Equally important, we will develop techniques to inject the primary NEPOMUC beam, currently guided by a field of 5 mT, into the field of the storage cells (5 T). In order to do so, positrons can either be decelerated and cooled down by inelastic collisions with a neutral background gas (‘buffer gas trap’). Very cold positrons produced such can then be accelerated electrostatically into the stronger magnetic field. Alternatively, we will explore the route of direct injection of very energetic positrons into the 5 T field, where they will be slowed down by collisions in a metallic remoderator. We will develop both techniques initially, in order to decide for the more efficient one, which will eventually be realized in our system.Applications for intense, extremely short positron pulses produced in our device are in particular for the investigation of positron-matter interaction. The project is an apparative pre-requisite for future research on charged, trapped nano-particles using positron pulses using a dedicated set-up at NEPOMUC. A second aim is the production of the first cold, magnetically enclosed pair plasma composed of electrons and positrons. This project, which is equally important for fundamental plasma physics as well as for astrophysics, will be the first application for the planned device. Further research aims are in condensed matter physics: For the first time, it will be possible to investigate bulk solids, in which positrons are occupying not only ground, but – because of their higher density – also excited states.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 326943750.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.03.2017 - 31.05.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Spin-lattice coupling in magnetocaloric materials


Spin-lattice coupling in magnetocaloric materials

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: link

This project for scientific cooperation with other countries was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under project number 01DH17013

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.03.2017 - 30.06.2021

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ACCELERATE - ACCELERATing Europe's Leading Research Infrastructures


ACCELERATE” is a Horizon 2020 project, supporting the long-term sustainability of large scale research infrastructures (RIs) through the development of policies and legal and administrative tools for a more effective management and operation of RIs, with a special focus on ERICs and CERIC in particular.

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2017 - 31.12.2020

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No HORIZON2020 - 731112.

TEMET NOSCE - Transport & Morphology. Effect on Nongeminate Recombination in Organic Solar Cells


While organic photovoltaics have experienced continued efficiency improvements in recent years, several fundamental aspects of the dominant loss mechanism, nongeminate recombination, are still not understood. The aim of the TEMET NOSCE project is to understand the role of the different aspects of charge transport in nongeminate recombination and their relationship to the morphology of the photoactive layer. Therefore, we plan to measure the recombination rate, charge carrier concentration, electron and hole mobility in a number of systematically varied samples under comparable experimental conditions. These measurements are complemented with a detailed study of the morphology of the active layer of these samples with advanced X-ray techniques. The recombination and morphology characterizations will then be combined in kinetic Monte Carlo simulations to test and develop new physical models for nongeminate recombination. This multi-methodological approach will provide the basis for a fundamental understanding of the relationship between performance, properties, and morphology in organic photovoltaics.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 279635873

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2017 - 31.03.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PA 771/20 - Co-nonsolvency-induced self-assembly of thermoresponsive block copolymers in solution and in thin films


The planned research project investigates the self-organization of responsive amphiphilic block copolymers of different architectures (di-, tri- and star block copolymers) in mixtures of water and organic solvents under co-nonsolvency conditions. The block copolymers, which all contain polymethyl methacrylate as a permanently hydrophobic block, use three different thermo-responsive blocks (PNIPAM, PNIPMAM and PNVIBAM), in which the molecular fine structure of the hydrophilic amide groups is systematically varied. The synthesis is to be carried out by means of RAFT (Reversible Addition Fragmentation Chain Transfer) using switchable chain transfer agents. A special focus of the investigations is the comparison of the co-nonosolvency-induced self-assembly in the bulk phase and in thin films. In the volume, primarily the dependence of the aggregates formed in solvent mixtures (water/methanol) on the choice of the responsive block, the polymer architecture and the composition of the solvent mixture are to be investigated and the molecular interactions underlying the switching behavior as well as the influence of the cosolvent on the chain dynamics are to be elucidated. In addition to fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering as well as small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering are used. These are supplemented by further spectroscopic measurements (Raman) and inelastic neutron scattering. In the thin film, it will be investigated to what extent a co-nonsolvency behavior can also be observed in contact with the vapor phase of solvent mixtures of water and organic solvents, and whether or how this differs in thin films from that in solution. In addition, it will be investigated what influence the interactions of the block copolymers with the substrate and the vapor phase have on the co-nonsolvency behavior in thin films and whether the film thickness has an influence. For these investigations, ellipsometry, interferometry and synchrotron radiation-based GISAXS measurements in microfluidic channels as well as neutron scattering experiments in liquid and vapor cells are used. Furthermore, it is planned to consider the dynamics in thin films on selected systems with FT-IR spectroscopy and inelastic neutron scattering experiments.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 353024969.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2017 - 31.12.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
ExZellTUM II - Excellence for battery cells at the Technische Universität München


The Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) is partner of the new center of excellence for battery cells at the Technical University of Munich. Scientists and companies work together with the aim of investigating and improving the production of lithium-ion cells as energy storage units for electric cars. Current high-performance energy storage units based on lithium-ion technology are not yet ready to go into production. The interdisciplinary network of ExZellTUM will therefore contribute to the further development and manufacture of lithium-ion batteries.

More information here

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the project number 03XP0081.


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2016 - 30.11.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Neutron residual stress analysis for multiphase materials with depth gradients of the strain free / independent lattice parameter d0


Subject of the proposal is the development of a measuring and evaluation strategy for non-destructive analysis of near surface residual stress gradients and gradients in the distribution of the strain free lattice parameter d0 by means of neutron diffraction. This is especially important for the analysis of case hardened or nitrided steels. The investigation is based on the methodical approach established within the scope of successfully completed projects on non-destructive analysis of residual stress depth distributions. This procedure is based on scanning the surface through the nominal gauge volume defined by the primary and secondary slits. In the course of the application to laser hardened samples reasonable doubts arose regarding the established procedure for the determination of the strain free lattice parameter d0. In the current research project fundamental investigations on the effect of phase specific micro residual stresses on the reference value d0 will be carried out with special focus on additional chemical gradients. For this purpose defined residual and applied stress states will be applied to multiphase materials with variations in the phase contents by means of different fine grained duplex steels. Furthermore, the transfer of the findings to material states where an additional chemical gradient in the near surface region occur will be realized. Here the model material is case hardened steel with variations in the carbon content in the outer layers and in hardening depth (CHD). The experimental results serve as input to simulation models of the neutron experiment. In this respect the immediate integration of the Czech colleague Dr. Jan Saroun is intended, who is a well-established expert in the field of numerical simulation of neutron diffraction experiments. Objective of this cooperation is the reliable modeling and simulation of the surface effects that occur during immersing of the measuring gauge volume in the sample surface of coarse multiphase materials and in presence of chemical gradients in the near surface layers, to enable an effective correction of the experimental data. Dr. Saroun will concurrently upload a corresponding proposal for financial support of the common research project through the Czech research foundation (GACR). First a basic understanding on the effects of local phase specific micro residual stresses on determination of the strain independent lattice parameter and providing an approach for the reliable modelling of the surface effects for coarse multiphase materials and for materials states with chemical gradients in the near surface region will be established. This will then in turn be developed further to a measuring and evaluation strategy for non-destructive analysis of near surface residual stress gradients for problematic material states.

For further information, visit

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) – Project number 282874578.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.09.2016 - 28.02.2022

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation


This project is a contribution to the set-up of ODIN (Optical and Diffraction Imaging with Neutrons) and C-SPEC (Cold Chopper-Spectrometer). ODIN is a multi-purpose imaging instrument that can provide spatial resolutions down to the outrange. C-SPEC, on the other hand, is a direct geometry time of flight spectrometer developed as a German/French collaboration between FRM II and LLB. Both instruments can be found at the European Spallation Source (ESS ERIC).

More information here

This project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.03.2017

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Mikroskopische Struktur und Dynamik massivglasbildender metallischer Schmelzen unter geringfügiger Zugabe von zusätzlichen Legierungselementen


For more information, visit

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 315677471.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2018

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Application of Austempered Ductile Iron in Hydraulic Components with Dynamic Loads


Austempered ductile iron (ADI) and isothermed ductile iron (IDI) are heat treated ductile irons (GJS). The heat treatment of ADI consist of the steps: austenitising, quenching and isothermal austempering. During the austenitisation the austenite enriches with carbon. As the austenite partially transforms into ferrite during the isothermal austempering, the carbon enrichment of the remaining austenite increases making it stable at room temperature. IDI on the other side is intercritically austenitised followed by a controlled cooling. The cooling rate is selected in a way that pearlite forms. The microstructure of IDI therefore consist of proeutectoid ferrite and pearlite.
The principle aim of the research project therefore is to increase the fatigue properties of components, which are exposed to dynamic oil pressures by the application of ADI. As a possible cost-effective alternative IDI will also be tested for this application.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 289765656.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2018

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Near surface dynamics of layers of non-cross-linked and cross-linked polymer architectures at solid planar surfaces


The proposed project addresses the inner dynamics of polymer matrices of different molecular architecture in the presence of solid planar substrate. Functionalisation of solid surfaces by coating them with thin polymer films has a large impact for e.g. controlled drug release, lubrication and sensorics. In order to design new coatings knowledge about the internal structure and dynamics is essential. This offers a deeper understanding of the interaction between the polymer chains themselves, under the influence of cross-linking, with additive like in hybrid systems (drug release, sensorics) or with other surfaces (lubrication). While the structure of many of these polymer systems has been already extensively studied not much is known about their dynamics when attached to surfaces, and the proposed project will contribute to close this gap of knowledge. The project focuses on the effect of geometrical confinement on the dynamics of polymer in thin films either close to one solid interface or between two solid interfaces.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 290879244.


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2020

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation


DisPBiotech – Subprojekt of SPP1934

In the DFG priority programme DiSPBiotech (SPP 1934), engineers and scientists have set themselves the task of investigating the dispersity-, structural- and phase-changes of proteins and biological agglomerates in biotechnological processes.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 273937032.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2019

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
INA780 - Ni-Basis Superlegierung Alloy 780


INA780 – Ni-base superalloy Alloy 780

Development of an instrumentation (testing machine with high-temperature furnace) for investigating the precipitation kinetics of complex alloys during the thermomechanical process chain using the example of the Ni-based superalloy Alloy 780 (INA780)

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the components for the ANTARES instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16WO2)


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2020

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
BioSpek - Quantitative biospectroscopy with neutrons


Neutron scattering with proteins under physiological conditions – Neutron spectroscopy as a quantitative analysis tool for protein dynamics and protein conformations

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: link

The construction of the BioSpek component for the J-NSE instrument was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16PA1).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


The joint project 05K2016 – FlexiProb: Flexible sample environment for the investigation of soft matter for implementation at the ESS

Further information can be found in the Federal Funding Catalogue:

Sub-project 1:

Sub-project 2:

Sub-project 3:

The construction of the FlexiProb sample environment by the Technical University of Munich, Bielefeld University and the Technical University of Darmstadt was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (TP1 05K16PB1, TP 2 under 05K16KT4 and TP 3 under 05K16WOA)

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
BornAgain - Analysis of GISAS data of three-dimensional nanoparticle


Further development of BornAgain for the analysis of GISAS data of three-dimensional nanoparticle arrangements, taking into account instrumental influences and validation by reference measurements

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of the scientific computing project “BornAgain” by the Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16WEB).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.09.2020

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Joint project 05K2016 – POSITEC: New instrumentation at the high-intensity positron source NEPOMUC of the FRM II.

This joint project is divided into two sub-projects. TP 1 “Construction of a novel primary remoderator and the scanning positron microscope SPM as well as further development of the pulsed positron beam system PLEPS” is listed under the grant number 05K16WN1, TP 2 “Ultrafast Doppler broadening spectroscopy with positrons and positron diffraction on surfaces” under the grant number 05K16WO7.

Further information can be found in the Federal Funding Catalogue:

Sub-project 2

The construction of the extension to the NEPOMUC instrument by the Technical University of Munich and the University of the Federal Armed Forces was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
NECTAR - Thermal neutrons at NECTAR


Thermal neutrons at the NECTAR measuring station

The project consists of two closely related parts:
1. The planned option to expand the NECTAR measuring station to also provide a thermal neutron spectrum for tomographic investigations and other irradiation experiments.
2. The further development and application of the methodology in order to be able to use the data obtained with thermal and fast neutrons in a combined evaluation process.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the NECTAR instrument by the KIT was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16VK3).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.03.2020

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POWTEX (2016) - a time-of-flight diffractometer


POWTEX (2016) – High Intensity Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffractometer at FRM II

At the high-intensity time-of-flight neutron diffractometer POWTEX at RWTH Aachen University, a new type of large-area neutron detector is being built with the help of the funding. The RWTH Aachen University and the Georg-August University of Göttingen receive the funds to develop the appropriate software.

Further information at

The development of the POWTECH instrument by the RWTH Aachen University and the Georg-August University of Göttingen was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16PA2).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
NeuRoFast: Further development of a combined neutron and X-ray imaging method at the ANTARES neutron tomography facility


The joint project “05K2016 – NeuRoFast”: Further development of a combined neutron and X-ray imaging method at the neutron tomography facility ANTARES at the FRM-II.

The aim of the project is the further development of a combined imaging system (NeuRoFast) at the neutron tomography facility ANTARES at FRM-II (research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz / TU Munich), which enables neutron and X-ray imaging to be carried out simultaneously on a sample. In addition, new contrast methods for the investigation of dynamic processes in the field of new materials for energy applications are being developed in NeuRoFast and pilot experiments are being carried out.

This joint project is divided into two sub-projects. Further information can be found in the Federal Funding Catalogue.
Sub-project 1

“Sub-project 2”:

The construction of the component on the ANTARES instrument by the Technical University of Munich and the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (TP 1 is listed under the grant number 05K16WO8, TP 2 under the grant number 05K16VFA).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2020

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
RESEDA+ - Longitudinal Resonant Neutron Spin-Echo Spectroscopy with Extreme Energy Resolution


RESEDA+ – Longitudinal Resonant Neutron Spin-Echo Spectroscopy with Extreme Energy Resolution

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the component on the RESEDA instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16WO6).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
4D N4DP - 4-Dimensional Isotope-Sensitive Material Depth Profiling Using Cold Neutrons


4D N4DP – Isotope-specific four-dimensional profile analysis with cold neutrons

In this project we extend the existing PGAA instrument at the FRM II with an option for neutron-based four-dimensional profiling (N4DP). This enables non-destructive quantitative mapping of local distributions of light elements like 3He, 6Li, 10B or 14N with high sensitivity and almost independent bulk composition resolution.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of this extension of the PGAA instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16WO1).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
HEiDi (2016) - Extension of the single crystal diffractometer


Extension of the hot single crystal diffractometer HEiDi for experiments on small samples < 1 mm³ and with pressure cells.
The single crystal diffractometer HEiDi was developed for detailed investigations of the structural and magnetic properties of single crystals using hot unpolarized neutrons and Bragg’s equation.

More information here

The development of HEiDi by the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16PA3).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Support measure for the commissioning of neutron scattering instruments in the neutron guide hall east of the FRM II.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research – grant number 05E16WO1.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2020

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
MIEZETOP - Development of an additional modular instrument set for the instrument MIRA


MIEZETOP – Development of an additional modular instrument attachment for the MIRA instrument at the FRM II for energetically high-resolution investigation of the dynamics of solids in high magnetic fields.

Scientists should later be able to use this mobile device easily without having to deal with its exact functionality. In addition, the instrument attachment should be so flexible that it can also be used on other facilities or beamlines. Physicists at the Technical University of Munich are still working on the device called “MIEZETOP” at the FRM II: The draft for this is essentially already finished and will be implemented over the next few years.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the component on the MIRA instrument by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16WO4).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POWTEX2 - Development of texture data analysis and construction of geoscientific sample environments for the high-intensity time-of-flight neutron diffractometer POWTEX


POWTEX2 – Development of texture data analysis and construction of geoscientific sample environments for the high-intensity time-of-flight neutron diffractometer POWTEX

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of the POWTEX instrument by the RWTH Aaachen and the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16MGC).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2022

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ERWIN (2016) - Energy Research WIth Neutrons


ERWIN (2016) – Energy Research WIth Neutrons

The aim of the project is to set up a measuring station for highly efficient neutron powder diffraction under in-situ conditions at the SR8b beamline of the FRM II research reactor in Garching near Munich. The new measurement setup will be implemented alongside an existing setup for single-crystal neutron diffraction and will be used in particular for research on energy materials.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: link
and at

The development of ERWIN by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16VK2).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
KOMPASS (2016) - Cold neutron triaxial spectrometer


COMPASS (2016) – Cold neutron three-axis spectrometer

Construction of a cold neutron three-axis spectrometer at the FRM II, with the aim of permanent polarization analysis. In addition to commissioning, the precision of the polarization, the ratio of intensity to background and special characteristics are to be optimized.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of the KOMPASS instrument by the University of Cologne was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (Project 05K16PK1).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
BAMBUS for PANDA (2016)


BAMBUS – A flatcone multidetector system with energy analysis for the cold neutron three-axis spectrometer PANDA

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: link

The construction of the BAMBUS sample environment on the PANDA instrument was financed by the TU Dresden through the BMBF as part of the ErUM-Pro project funding (project 05K16OD2.)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SAPHiR (2016) - Construction of a Multi-Anvil high-pressure press at the Research Neutron Source (FRM II)


SAPHiR (2016) – Construction of a multi-anvil type high-pressure press at the FRM II

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the SAPHIR instrument by the University of Bayreuth was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16WCA).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 30.06.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
TOFTOF - Optische In-situ Methoden für das Flugzeitspektrometer TOFTOF


TOFTOF – Optische In-situ Methoden für das Flugzeitspektrometer TOFTOF

More information here

The development of TOFTOF by the TU Munich is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K16WO3).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2016 - 31.12.2019

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Evolution of type II - residual strains in dependence on the microstructure of nickel base superalloys


Macroscopic residual stresses may influence the mechanical properties of industrial components strongly. Thus, the reliable analysis of residual stresses is crucial.By diffraction methods, the macroscopic residual stresses are usually determined relative to a stress-free reference sample, which is cut from the component of interest. The macroscopic relaxation of the stress state during cutting is assumed to leave the type II residual stresses (intergranular and interphase stresses) unaffected. However, particularly in high performance alloys with multiple crystallographic phases inside and which undergo complex thermo-mechanical treatments during their production process, a change of type II residual stresses during macroscopic relaxation is conceivable. In a diffractometric residual stress analysis this may cause high spurious stresses and strains, which may lead to high costs due to overestimated residual stresses and thus due to excessively designs. Our preliminary work points to the fact, that the evolution of intergranular and interphase micro strains may be governed by different microstructural mechanisms in IN718 and Haynes282. The goal of this research project is the fundamental understanding of the sources of different micro mechanical behavior of these two nickel based superalloys.

More information here

These projects were funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 280883331.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.05.2016 - 31.05.2020

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Positron Injection into a Magnetic Dipole Field for the Study of an Electron-Positron Plasma


Within this project we plan to produce a low-energy, high-brightness positron beam and to use it for the first creation of an electron-positron plasma. This plasma is expected to have unique properties compared to conventional plasmas, for example to be essentially turbulence-free. The uniqueness stems from the exact mass symmetry, in contrast to electron-ion plasmas. A novel magnetic field configuration will be used to confine the plasma, namely a magnetic dipole trap. Particle losses by annihilation are predicted to be sufficiently low to allow long confinement times, and still high enough that the annihilations can be used as a plasma diagnostic. Yet, up to now, no such plasma has been produced on Earth. We will exploit two state-of-the-art technologies to overcome the two main bottlenecks in the study of controlled pair plasmas: Insufficient number of positrons, and insufficient confinement. The NEPOMUC beamline at the FRM II research reactor in Garching, developed by the first applicant, is a unique device for the production of high-intensity positron beams using a nuclear capture reaction. NEPOMUC is currently the most intense source of slow positrons in the world. Excellent confinement of both neutral and non-neutral plasmas by the field of a levitated, superconducting current loop has in recent years been demonstrated by the second applicant.In this project, we plan to take the last missing step on the path to production of a pair plasma, namely the injection of the positron beam into the confinement region, and plan to carry out first studies of a plasma formed after successful injection. As a prerequisite, we will develop the extraction of positrons from the NEPOMUC source at a low DC bias in order to generate a low-energy positron beam suitable for injection. For injection, a strategy using deflection plates to induce ExB drifts on closed orbits will be combined with a ‘rotating wall’-like AC field to stabilize the ensuing positron orbits. An alternative approach for positron injection will be carried out by using a tungsten single crystal for positron re-moderation immediately after the ExB filter. This method would allow us to easily separate the primary positron beam and the brightness enhanced remoderated positron beam in order to explore the potential for more efficient injection into the dipole field.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 285825712.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.04.2016 - 31.05.2020

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Intelligent textiles based on thermo-responsive copolymer coatings


This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number MU 1487/23-1.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.02.2016 - 31.05.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
MU 1487/22-1 - Transport & Morphology - Influence on non-geminal recombination in organic solar cells


Although the efficiency of organic solar cells has continuously improved over the last few years, important aspects of the dominant loss mechanism, nongeminal recombination, are still not understood. The TEMET NOSCE project aims to capture the various experimentally accessible aspects of nongeminal recombination and to explore their connection with the morphology of the photoactive layer. Therefore, we plan to study the recombination rate, charge carrier density, and electron and hole mobilities of systematically different samples under comparable experimental conditions. These measurements are compared to the detailed morphology of the active layer of the samples, which is to be determined using modern X-ray structure analysis methods. The characterization of the recombination and morphology of the samples is to be merged into kinetic Monte Carlo simulations in order to develop and test new physical models on this basis. This multimodal approach allows us to gain a fundamental understanding of the relationship between structure and properties in organic solar cells.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 279635873.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2016 - 31.12.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PE 558/20 - Microscopic structure and dynamics of bulk glass-forming metallic melts with minor addition of additional alloying elements


Within this project dynamics, viscosity and glass forming ability of Zr-Cu melts were studied using quasielastic neutron scattering, oscillating droplet technique and in situ synchrotron diffraction combined with electrostatic levitation (ESL) in a vesselless process. We were able to show that the addition of 4 at.% Al significantly improves the glass-forming ability of binary Zr50Cu50 and has a pronounced effect on the melt viscosity. In contrast, the influence of a small addition of Ti is much smaller. First simulations of the molecular dynamics indicate that the strong dependence of the melting dynamics on the Al addition originates in the ordering of the liquid. Therefore, short-range chemical order contributions are expected to also play an important role in the melt. To test this assumption, i) we intend to add a third non-metallic element such as Si (instead of Al), where the influence of the metal/non-metal electronic interaction should be even more pronounced, and ii) FEM (fluctuation electron microscopy) to answer the question of the structural influence of small additions on the glass-forming ability. Drawing on theory and simulation, this project aims to better understand the formation of bulk metallic glasses by investigating the role of minute additions in enhancing the glass forming ability of binary alloys. As part of this continuation application, Mr. Szabo will complete his doctoral thesis.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 315677471.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2016 - 31.05.2023

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
SINE2020 -World class Science and Innovation with Neutrons in Europe 2020


SINE2020 is a consortium of 18 partner institutions from 12 countries. It has two objectives:

  • Preparing Europe for the unique opportunities at the European Spallation Source (ESS) in 2020, and
  • Developing the innovation potential of neutron Large Scale Facilities (LSF’s).

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2015 - 30.09.2019

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No HORIZON2020 - 654000.

CREMLIN - Connecting Russian and European Measure for Large-scale Research Infra-structures


CREMLIN” is a European-Russian project that aims at improving and strengthening the collaboration between Russian and European research infrastructures (RI). CREMLIN is a pathfinding project, aiming at exploring pathways and strategies for an intensified EU-Russian collaboration on RI.

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.09.2015 - 30.08.2018

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No HORIZON2020 - 654166.

HERACLES-CP - Toward the Conversion of High Performance Research Reactors in Europe


In the framework of the joint international efforts to reduce the risk of proliferation by minimising the use of highly enriched uranium, a new research reactor fuel based on uranium-molybdenum (UMo) alloys is being developed by the HERACLES group. HERACLES is composed of AREVA-CERVA, CEA, ILL, SCK•CEN and TUM, all organisations with a long-standing history in fuel manufacturing and qualification. HERACLES works towards the qualification of UMo fuels, based on a series of “comprehension” experiments and manufacturing developments.

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.06.2015 - 29.02.2020

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No HORIZON2020 - 661935.

ATUMS: International Graduate School for Environmentally Responsible Functional Hybrid Materials


GRK 2022: Alberta/Technical University of Munich
International Graduate School for Environmentally Responsible Functional Hybrid Materials (ATUMS)

Semiconductor nanoparticles and functional polymers rank among the great scientific triumphs of the late 20th century. Within the Alberta/TUM International Graduate School (IRTG 2022 “ATUMS”), these structures merge to form advanced hybrid functional materials (HFMs) that hold promise of addressing far reaching societal needs; these HFMs have the potential to revolutionize solar energy conversion and storage, low power electronics, displays, optical communication, while simultaneously ushering in a new paradigm for sensors, drug delivery, therapeutics, diagnostics, etc. Unleashing this potential requires extensive foundational research, and a highly-skilled cross-disciplinary workforce must be established. The Phase I of ATUMS has been exceptionally successful on these fronts. ATUMS has strategically integrated the research expertise of leading German and Canadian chemists, physicists, and engineers to generate novel nanoscale material composites and demonstrate proof-of-concept (opto)electronic devices (e.g., sensors, FETs, and LEDs). The crossdisciplinary chain-of-knowledge research strategy has also guided our training approach. Every ATUMS Phase I graduate is now actively pursuing a modern advanced career track (e.g. researcher, management trainee, entrepreneur, etc.). Our approach is clearly providing the contextual international education needed to foster the next generation of scientific leaders. ATUMS Phase II will allow us to build on the impactful accomplishments of Phase I, while simultaneously expanding the scope of our Graduate School. We will continue to apply our coordinated inter/cross-disciplinary approach to new material/application categories (i.e., Sinanosheets, MOFs, (Project 1), “fuel” driven self-assemblies (8 & 5) and hydrogenated Zintlphases (3)). We will also draw on the expertise of our fully integrated international inter/crossdisciplinary team and rely on a coherent path to knowledge from chemical synthesis to final prototype applications. The training program at TUM will once again be conducted under the wings of DFG-accredited TUM IGSSE (Intl. Graduate School of Science & Engineering) and will comprise training elements from its more than 200 courses to enhance personal, social and entrepreneurial skills. In particular, the “TUM Entrepreneurial Idea” will be strengthened by arranging seminars/workshops along the line “from the scientific idea through professional IP handling to company foundation”.

For more information, please visit:

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 245845833.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.06.2015 - 30.03.2022

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Dynamics in chiral magnets


Dynamics in chiral magnets -Helimagnons in MnSi under pressure: Towards the non-Fermi liquid phase

In the previous project we have reached a full theoretical understanding of the (B, T)-phase diagram of MnSi and its underlying dynamical processes based on only three input parameters, the strength of the DM interaction, the stiffness of the magnetic spiral under magnetic field and the anharmonicity of the magnetic spin system.This will allow us to continue in the understanding of the role of the anisotropy and the fluctuations in MnSi as we extend the parameter space to applied pressure. Here we are interested in how the magnetic spiral develops with pressure and if there is new physics when approaching the critical pressure of 14.6 kbar. We would furthermore like to explore the behaviour of MnSi under pressure and field simultaneously, eventually testing the skyrmion regime. Finally, we plan to reach the critical pressure and above both in zero field and with applied magnetic field. This will enable us to test whether the non-Fermi liquid behaviour above the critical pressure is related to the spin dynamics of the skyrmion lattice. This will help to establish a connection between magnetic fluctuations and topological magnetic structures.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 270344603.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.2015 - 30.06.2020

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Spherical horse in a vacuum or applicable micelles? Behavior and shape of nanoparticles: anticancer drug carriers in real blood environment


We wish to make a breakthrough in understanding the behavior of anticancer drug carriers in real blood environment by focusing on two aspects: (i) the considerable dilution after injection into the blood and (ii) specific and nonspecific interactions with blood components, e.g. proteins. At this, we follow the contrasting and labeling approach.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 265795383.


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.03.2015 - 28.02.2018

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Mixtures of solvents and mixtures of block copolymers as tools for tunable structures in block copolymer thin films


The continuation project aims at (i) understanding the processes in diblock copolymer thin films during vapor treatment with solvent mixtures and (ii) at using micro- and macrophase separation in thin films of mixtures of diblock copolymers to prepare complex structures. In project part (i), thin films from cylinder-forming diblock copolymers will be vapor treated with mixtures of selective and non-selective solvents. This will lead to an understanding of the restructuring processes; thus, optimum protocols to anneal defects and to induce the desired cylinder orientations by solvent vapor annealing will be identified. In project part (ii), thin films from binary mixtures of symmetric diblock copolymers will be investigated which form complex structures due to the interplay of micro- and macrophase separation. In mixtures of symmetric and asymmetric diblock copolymers, we will investigate the transition from the lamellar to the cylindrical morphology including possible interphases and epitaxial growth as well as the role of the film interfaces.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 181436160.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.03.2015 - 28.02.2018

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation


For more information, please visit:

This project was funded by the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung under the project number AZ1134-14.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.02.2015 - 31.01.2017

Funding organisation

  • Bayerische Forschungsstiftung
PERC (2015) - A clean, bright an versatile source of neutron decay products


SPP 1491:Precision experiments in particle- and astrophysics with cold and ultracold neutrons.
Subproject PERC – a clean, bright an versatile source of neutron decay products

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 130699104.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

2015 - 2018

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
The influence of biopolymers on mineralization in water treatment processes


However, the application of the strategy to laser surface hardened material states is still problematic; since we could demonstrate that a second surface effect occurs at the interface between the laser hardened martensitic process zone and the ferritic base material. This effect will be experimentally and numerically studied in detail within the continuation of the successful project. Finally, a strategy for avoiding and for the numerical compensation of the surface effect for this interfacial zone will be developed. For this purpose, the analytical model for simulation of the neutron experiment will be extended accordingly. Moreover, the transformation of the method to further neutron experiments dedicated for residual stress analyses (e.g. Salsa@ILL) will be achieved.

This project was funded by the German-Israeli Foundation of Scientific Research and Development under the Grant No. I-1240-307.8/2014.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2015 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development
Novel Nanostructured Thermoelectric Hybrid Materials

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2015 - 31.12.2015

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
SoNDE - Solid-State Neutron Detector


SoNDe is a project for the development and construction of a high-flux capable neutron detector.
The Solid-State Neutron Detector – SoNDe – project aims to develop a high-resolution neutron detector technique that will enable the construction of position-sensitive neutron detectors for high-flux sources, such as the upcoming European Spallation Source (ESS). Moreover, by avoiding the use of 3He in this detector the 3He-shortage, which might otherwise impede the construction of such large-scale facilities, can be alleviated. The main features of the envisioned detector technique are:

• high-flux capacity, capable of handling the peak-flux of up-to-date spallation sources
• high-resolution down to 3 mm by direct imaging technique, higher resolutions available by interpolation
• no beam stop necessary, thus enabling investigations with direct beam intensity
• independence of 3He
• modularity, improving maintenance characteristics of today’s neutron detectors

Detectors of these kind will be capable of usage in a wide array of neutron instruments at facilities which use neutrons to conduct there research, among them the Institute Laue-Langevin (ILL) in France, the Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum (MLZ, former FRMII) in Germany, Laboratoire Leon Brillion (LLB) in France and ISIS in the United Kingdom which are in operation at the moment and the upcoming ESS. At these facilities neutrons are used as a probe in a wide array of fields, ranging from material science to develop new and smart materials, chemical and biological science to develop new drugs for improved treatment of a wide range of medical conditions, magnetic studies for the development of future information storage technology to archeology, probing historical artifacts without physically destroying them. All these fields nowadays rely heavily on neutrons scattering facilities in their research and thus are in need of a reliable, high-quality neutron detection technique, which will be able to perform well at the new high-flux facilities such as ESS and simultaneously avoid the problem of 3He shortage.

For further information, please visit


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.05.2014 - 31.10.2019

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No H2020-EU. - 654124.

TRR80 - Electronic Structure and Phase Transitions


In intermetallic compounds, the realized materials properties are governed by the actual atomic arrangements. We will study the effect of disorder by correlating mainly neutron diffraction experiments with measurements of macroscopic parameters and derive pertinent microscopic models. This will be done specifically in Ni2Mn-based Heusler systems, which display functional potentials including, e.g., large ferromagnetic shape-memory and magnetocaloric effects as well as ferromagnetic half-metallicity.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
FRM1318 - Conversion of FRM II to a low-enrichment uranium fuel element


More information “here”:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the stateministery of science and culture of Bavaria under the project number FRM1318.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2018

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
ID 57055251 - ResComp


ID 57055251 – ResComp – Thermoresponsive polymers of complex architecture

This project was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service under project-ID 57055251

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2016

Funding organisation

  • German Academic Exchange Service
TRR80 - Interface Induced Electronic States in Correlated Matter


Interface-Induced Electronic Phases in Correlated Materials (G03 (C03))

We combine density functional theory with experimental thin film deposition and characterization methods to gain a fundamental understanding of complex transition metal oxide interfaces. We systematically investigate the interplay of reduced dimensionality, mechanical stress, electronic correlations and spin-orbit coupling to realize topologically non-trivial electronic and magnetic states.

More information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TRR80 - Kollektive Spinanregungen in Skyrmion-Gittern und künstlich erzeugten periodischen magnetischen Zuständen


Kollektive Spinanregungen in Skyrmion-Gittern und künstlich erzeugten periodischen magnetischen Zuständen (F07)

Die kollektiven Anregungen (Magnonen) von skyrmionischen Spinntexturen in Massivkristallen, Dünnschichtproben und spezifischen Mikrostrukturen ausgewählter Materialien mit starken elektronischen Korrelationen werden mittels einer Kombination von Transportmessungen, Mikrowellenspektroskopie und Brillouin-Licht-Streuung untersucht. Von besonderem Interesse sind die Rolle der Magnetfeldorientierung und Probenform. Die Untersuchungen konzentrieren sich dabei insbesondere auf die Natur der Fundamentalmoden und Dämpfungseffekte im Hinblick auf mögliche Anwendungen von Skyrmionentexturen im Bereich der Magnonik.

Weitere Informationen unter “”:

Dieses Projekt wurde von der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft gefördert – Projektnummer 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TRR80 - Thermoelektrische Eigenschaften von dünnen Filmen und Übergittern aus Übergangsmetall-Oxiden


Thermoelectric Properties of Thin Films and Superlattices of Transition Metal Oxides (G08)

Project G8 combines thin film techniques and characterization methods with theory-guided exploration based on density functional theory and Boltzmann transport calculations to understand and optimize the thermoelectric properties of metal oxide films and heterostructures. In particular, the influence of the epitaxial strain, the incorporation of oxygen, the electrostatic doping at interfaces, the reduced dimensions and the crystallographic orientation are examined on selected model systems.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TUM.Energy Valley Bavaria: Tailor TCO

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2014 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
Experimental Analysis of multiaxial residual stress states induced by laser surface hardening


Subject of the proposed follow-up application is the development of a measuring and evaluation strategy for the non-destructive determination of triaxial residual stress depth distributions in the range of some tenth of a millimeter to some millimeters with neutron diffraction. This method is of essential significance in the case that the conventional approach for the determination of local residual stress depths gradients with diffraction methods, i.e. repeated X-ray stress analysis according to the sin²y-method in combination with a successive sub-layer removal, is accompanied with massive residual stress redistributions due to the materials removal.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 206828805.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.12.2013 - 31.01.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
EH 183/15 - Production and characterization of ceramic solid electrolytes with high lithium ion conductivity: Investigation of the influence of stoichiometry on the crystal structure and lith


In rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, ion transport between the anode and cathode usually takes place via lithium salts, which are dissolved in organic solvents. Although high ionic conductivity is achieved in this way, intrinsic disadvantages such as toxicity and flammability are associated with problems such as a lack of temperature stability and the risk of leakage in the event of damage. If it were possible to increase the ionic conductivity of inorganic, solid electrolytes and thus possibly completely replace the liquid electrolyte with a solid, this would make a major contribution to increasing safety and could thereby increase market acceptance for mobile applications as well ceramic solid electrolytes with potentially high ionic conductivity and low electronic conductivity are identified, manufactured and characterized. The class of NZP is intended as the material system, the general structure of which can be described by (M1)6(M2)38 [L26(X4O4)3]. M1 and M2 designate interstitial sites that are partially or fully occupied with lithium; the L and X positions are occupied by titanium and phosphorus, respectively. The aim of the work will be to find answers to the following question: How is the NZP structure influenced by different cation substitutions and what are the consequences for the lithium ion conductivity? This should be clarified by combining experimental and theoretical work. Furthermore, this question should be deepened with regard to a (partial) substitution of the anionic (PO4)3- by (SiO4)4- structural building blocks, since more Li+ can be brought to the M1 or M2 positions. This opens up the possibility of being able to decouple structural properties from the amount of intercalated Li to a certain degree. There are various methods that can be used in this project. The diffusion behavior of the alkali metal ions as a function of the structure and composition is to be investigated as an essential building block for clarifying the open questions. The advantages and disadvantages of the class of NZP- Compounds for the intercalation and deintercalation of Li ions are developed. This creates the basis for developing a scientific strategy to optimize the NZP structure and composition. Finally, it should be possible to assess to what extent NZP crystals are suitable as solid electrolytes.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 246310112.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.11.2013 - 31.10.2016

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
CoRe alloy - Investigation of TaC precipitation hardening in Co-Re-based alloys


Co-Re-based alloys have been proposed in 2007 as candidate materials for high temperature applications. They were investigated for the first time in the DFG research group FOR 727 Beyond Ni-Base Superalloys with respect to the interrelation between chemical composition, microstructure and oxidation behavior / mechanical properties, respectively. Precipitation hardening by tantalum carbides (TaC) was identified as particularly attractive strengthening mechanism. Yet, the depth of investigation was limited, focusing on one alloy composition only (Co-17Re-23Cr-1.2Ta-2.6C) and relatively short heat treatment cycles. Therefore, many questions regarding stability, precipitation kinetics and transformation behavior of the tantalum carbides remained open. Besides conventional microstructural characterization tools, in-situ neutron scattering turned out to be particularly valuable as it allows to gain crystallographic and morphological information for representative material volumes during high temperature annealing. In view of this situation a joint research program involving TU Braunschweig and TU München is proposed to thoroughly investigate the precipitation mechanism of tantalum carbides in Co-Re-based alloys. 3D tomography by dual beam microscopy at TU Braunschweig will be used besides the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz neutron source at TU München as essential tool for microstructural characterization. Overall objective is to explore the interrelationship between alloy composition, thermal loading and precipitation behavior of the tantalum carbides as necessary condition to fully exploit the strengthening potential of tantalum carbides during high temperature application of Co-Re-based alloys.

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 239959382.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.09.2013 - 31.05.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Gi 242/4-1 - Research into precipitation hardening using tantalum carbides in Co-Re-based alloys


Research into precipitation hardening using tantalum carbides in Co-Re-based alloys

Co-Re-based alloys were proposed in 2007 as a new group of materials for high-temperature applications and were examined in detail for the first time in the DFG research group FOR 727 Beyond Ni-Base Superalloys with regard to the interaction between alloy composition, microstructure development and oxidation resistance or mechanical behavior. Particle hardening using tantalum carbides (TaC) was identified as a particularly promising strengthening mechanism, but has only been rudimentarily investigated. The investigations were limited to an alloy composition (Co-17Re-23Cr-1.2Ta-2.6C) and comparatively short-term high-temperature stress, so that a wide range of questions regarding the stability, precipitation kinetics and conversion behavior of the tantalum carbides remained open. In addition to conventional microstructural characterization methods, in-situ neutron diffraction proved to be a very helpful tool as it allows crystallographic and morphological information to be determined for representative material volumes during high-temperature aging. Against this background, the present application is submitted in which precipitation hardening using tantalum carbides in Co-Re-based alloys is to be researched in detail with the participation of the TU Braunschweig and the TU Munich. In addition to scattering with neutrons at the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz research neutron source at the Technical University of Munich, 3-dimensional tomography using two-beam scanning electron microscopy will be used as an essential tool for microstructural characterization. The aim of the research work is to determine what connections exist between alloy chemistry, temperature stress and precipitation behavior of tantalum carbides in order to create the conditions for optimal use of precipitation hardening by tantalum carbides for the high-temperature use of Co-Re-based alloys.

Further information at

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation – project number 239959382.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.09.2013 - 31.05.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
EDM - Polarized ultra-cold neutrons in the next generation measurement of the neutron EDM


SPP 1491- Precision experiments in particle- and astrophysics with cold and ultracold neutrons

More information here

This project is funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 237295021.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2013 - 30.06.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
POLI (2013) - Single crystal polarized neutron diffractometer POLI and implementation of the flipping ratio method


POLI (2013) – Single crystal polarized neutron diffractometer POLI and implementation of the flipping ratio method

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: link

The development of the POLI instrument by the RWTH Aachen University was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (Project05K13PA3).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2013 - 31.12.2016

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Joint project 05K2013 – NeuRoTom:

Sub-project 1: Construction of a combined neutron and X-ray tomograph.

Subproject 2: Experiments on the transport of reactants in fuel cells and batteries.

More information about the project:
“Sub-project 1”:
“Sub-project 2”:

The construction of NeuRoTom on the ANTARES instrument by the TU Munich, physics chair E17 and the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K13VF1 (IMTEK) and 05K13WO2 (TUM))

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 30.06.2016

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POSI-ANALYSIS Further development of the analysis methods with low-energy positron beams at the FRM II


Joint project 05K2013 – PosiAnalysis: Further development of the analysis methods with low-energy positron beams at the FRM II

Sub-project 2: Sub-project 2: Construction of an in situ ion source for ion beam thinning and ion implantation.
Sub-project 3: Pulsed positron accelerator for surface investigations down to low temperatures:

The methodology for the NEPOMUK instrument by the TU Munich was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05K13NHA and 05K13WO1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 01.07.2016

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POWTEX (2013)


Joint project 05K2013 – POWTEX

More information at:

Sub-project 1: High-intensity time-of-flight neutron diffractometer POWTEX at FRM II.

Sub-project 2: Development of sample environments, control software and data analysis software for the neutron diffractometer POWTEX.

The development of the POWTEX instrument by the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05K13MG2 and 05K13PA1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 30.06.2017

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(111)-oriented diamond mosaic crystals as monochromator material for neutron scattering experiments


(111)-oriented diamond mosaic crystals as monochromator material for neutron scattering experiments

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalog at: LINK

This project was funded by the University of Augsburg through the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (Project 05K13WAA)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 31.01.2016

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
BAMBUS (2013): A flatcone multidetector system with energy analysis for the neutron three-axis spectrometer Panda


BAMBUS (2013): A flatcone multidetector system with energy analysis for the neutron three-axis spectrometer Panda

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: LINK:

The further development of the instrument PANDA of the TU DRESDEN was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K13ODA)

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 30.01.2016

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
KOMPASS (2013): Cold three-axis spectrometer for three-dimensional polarization analysis


KOMPASS (2010): Cold three-axis spectrometer for three-dimensional polarization analysis

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: LINK:

The development of the KOMPASS instrument of the University of Cologne was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K10PK1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 30.06.2016

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
NanoSOFT (2013): Neutron surface scattering to study cell migration and cell adhesion


NanoSOFT (2013): Neutron surface scattering to study cell migration and cell adhesion

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: LINK

The further development of the REFSANS instrument of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K13WM1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 30.12.2016

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SaPHIR (2013) Construction of a multi-anvil type high-pressure press for TOF neutron diffraction and neutron radiography at the FRM II


Construction of a multi-anvil type high-pressure press at the research neutron source FRM II in Garching

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: LINK

The construction of the SaPHiR instrument at the University of Bayreuth was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K13WC1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 30.06.2016

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PUMA (2013): Kinetics with polarized neutrons at the three-axis spectrometer PUMA


PUMA (2013): Kinetics with polarized neutrons at the three-axis spectrometer PUMA

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the PUMA instrument by the Georg-August University of Göttingen was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K13MG3)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2013 - 31.12.2018

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Doubly and orthogonally switchable block copolymers from zwitterionic and thermoresponsive blocks


Doubly and orthogonally switchable block copolymers from zwitterionic and thermoresponsive blocks: synthesis and structures in solution and in thin film geometry

Aim of the project is the synthesis and investigation of doubly and orthogonally switchable block copolymers in volume and in thin film geometry. These consist of a zwitterionic and a thermoresponsive block. In dependence of the chemical nature of the two blocks and of the block lengths, the switching behavior upon changes of temperature and electrolyte concentration will be investigated, namely in aqueous solution and in thin film geometry. Both, the structures and the kinetics of their changes upon a jump over one of the phase boundaries will be characterized in solution and in thin film geometry using modern scattering methods and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 236534685.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.05.2013 - 30.06.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Neutron polarizer for PERC (2013)


SPP 1491- Precision experiments in particle- and astrophysics with cold and ultracold neutrons
Subproject: Neutron polarizer for PERC

PERC and other projects investigating correlations in neutron beta decay are presently limited in accuracy at the 10-3 level by the knowledge of the average neutron beam polarisation. Preceding tests of single supermirror polariser samples could proof the feasibility in the determination of the absolute polarisation to a level of accuracy of several times 10-4. Based on the obtained results, new ferromagnetic supermirror structures will be developed within this project, which will require in much smaller magnetic holding fields than actually any comparable structure.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 237289336.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.2013 - 31.03.2018

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
EEBatt - Interdisciplinary energy storage research project
EXC 153 - Origin and Structure of the Universe: EDM experiment


EXC 153: Origin and Structure of the Universe – The Cluster of Excellence for Fundamental Physics

The cluster of excellence in which astrophysicists, particle physicists and nuclear physicists work together to address some of the deepest unsolved questions of modern science: the innermost structure of matter, space and time; the nature of the fundamental forces; and the form and content of the universe. The cluster is established in Munich/Garching, one of the largest and most dynamic centres in the world for research in fundamental physics and astrophysics. Cluster scientists participate in many of the large international collaborations that are deploying the new generation of global facilities for astro- and particle-physics (telescopes, accelerators and supercomputers) to unveil the hidden physical properties of the cosmos.

Work within the cluster use nuclear and designed particle physics experiments, astronomical observations, large-scale numerical simulation and theoretical modelling to investigate fundamental key questions connecting the smallest scales in physics with the largest scales in the cosmos. Studies of the properties of matter and of forces at extremely high energies and at extremely short distances provide insight into the origin and unification of the four fundamental forces of nature. These in turn regulate the early evolution of the universe. The excess of matter over antimatter in the universe is puzzling within the standard model of particle physics. The cluster therefore searches for signals of supersymmetry, which currently is the best motivated candidate for an extension of the standard model. The nature of dark matter that dominates the mass of the universe is studied both through direct detection experiments and through astronomical observations. The latter is also used to explore the nature of the dark energy, which drives the recently discovered acceleration of the cosmic expansion. On a more fundamental level, cluster scientists use a new theory of quantum gravity to explore possible connections of dark energy to the question of the origin of the masses of elementary particles and to the structure of space and time. The origin of massive black holes is studied as well as the origin of heavy elements from which the earth and all life were formed.

Ten new junior research groups are established and housed in a dedicated office building that is the heart of the cluster. This science centre also hosts the cluster administration and visiting scientists chosen from among our pool of strategic partners and other international collaborators.
The cluster provides a unique opportunity for outstanding young researchers to build a career in some of the most promising, exciting and interdisciplinary areas of current fundamental science.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 24799710.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

2013 - 2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
28 [2012-2] - High-resolution neutron radiography/tomography with microchannel plate detectors


High-resolution neutron radiography/tomography with microchannel plate detectors

The University of California, Davis operates the McClellan Nuclear Research Center (MNRC), originally built by the US Air Force to detect incipient corrosion in large aircraft parts using medium-resolution neutron radiography. The Technical University of Munich (TUM) operates the research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) with its high-resolution neutron imaging facility ANTARES. The University of California, Berkeley is developing borated channel plate detectors for neutrons, which currently provide the best spatial and temporal resolution for imaging in the world. The collaboration is intended to use the experience at FRM II to develop a dedicated beamline at MNRC for high-resolution neutron imaging to provide a home base for Berkeley detector development. The resulting detector system is to be operated at both facilities.

This project was funded by the Bavarian-Californian University Center under project number 28 [2012-2]

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • Bavaria California Technology Center (BaCaTeC)
ID 56269981 - Clinically relevant macromolecular nanoparticles containing cholesterol


ID 56269981 – Clinically relevant macromolecular nanoparticles containing cholesterol

This project was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service under project-ID 56269981

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2013 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • German Academic Exchange Service
ID 56562061 - Stimuli-reponsive hydrogels from model associative block-polymers


ID 56562061 – Stimuli-responsive hydrogels made from model-associative block polymers

This project was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service under project-ID 56562061

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2013 - 31.12.2013

Funding organisation

  • German Academic Exchange Service
FI 1663/8-1 - Precision field characterization for the next generation measurement of the neutron EDM


In this proposal we plan to realize a magnetic field measurement system for a next generation measurement of the neutron’s electric dipole moment (EDM) with a sensitivity of 10-28 ecm. The system will be deployed for two purposes: (i) characterization of all kinds of fields from field coils and components inside the magnetically stabilized environment offline during installation and after of each component at their final location. This is in particular important for the EDM chamber parts, UCN optics and hardware inside the vacuum chamber. The figure of merit for the magnitude of contaminations is maximum 1 pT at 3 cm distance for inner components, giving rise to geometric phase effects. Goal (ii) is the measurement of magnetic fields during the EDM measurement online. Here, the long-term performance on a 100 fT level per sensor and the resolution of field direction on the 10-4 rad tilt-level is necessary. This helps to track changes of the shape of gradients from large and small localized sources using vector information while the experiment is operating. As all other in-situ (co-)magnetometers only provide averaged information, this is critical for the understanding of systematic effects. For this purpose we made tests with a fully optical Cs magnetometer system that is perfectly suitable for in-situ measurements online and offline without producing noise due to induced RF or magnetized hardware components. Within this project we would like to develop a set of such probes for both goals in 3 subsequent stages. Stage 1 is further optimization of sensors and their operation modes, stage 2 is the installation of a larger set of sensors on site for offline and online field mapping with commissioning and stage 3 is the operation, characterization and test against other systems.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 237136261.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2013 - 31.12.2018

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PA 771/14 - Doubly and orthogonally switchable block copolymers from zwitterionic and thermoresponsive blocks: Synthesis and structures in solution and in thin films


The aim of the project is the presentation and investigation of doubly and orthogonally switchable block copolymers in bulk and in thin films. These consist of a zwitterionic and a thermoresponsive block. Depending on the chemical properties of the two blocks and the block lengths, the switching behavior with changes in temperature and electrolyte content is investigated, both in aqueous solution and in a thin film. Both the structures and the kinetics of their changes when jumping over one of the phase boundaries are characterized using modern scattering methods and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, again in solution and in the thin film.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 236534685.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2013 - 31.12.2019

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PE 558/14 - In-situ measurement of deformation-induced martensite formation in ausferritic cast iron (ADI)


Ausferritic cast iron (Austempered Ductile Iron, ADI for short) is cast iron that is subjected to a multi-stage heat treatment. This results in the so-called ausferritic structure, consisting of a metastable residual austenite matrix, ferrite needles and carbon spherulites, which is the reason for the very good mechanical properties of ADI compared to the initial state. It is known from the TRIP steels used in sheet metal forming that metastable retained austenite can convert to martensite when external loads are applied. Based on a DFG research project, the kinetics of the phase transformation of selected ADI materials during heat treatment in situ using Neu-tro¬ examined by means of a diffractometry. In addition to the determined phase composition and the carbon enrichment of the retained austenite, the microstructure and mechanical material properties resulting from the respective ADI heat treatment parameters are also determined. With this data, existing mathematical models for calculating the load or strain-induced martensite formation in TRIP steels are checked and expanded with regard to their suitability for ADI.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 233737539.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2013 - 31.12.2015

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
μ-FE and sensitivity analysis


μ-FE and sensitivity analysis

This project was financed by the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy – grant number AZ-957-10

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2012 - 30.09.2013

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology
ExZellTUM - Excellence for battery cells at the Technical University of Munich


The Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) is partner of the new center of excellence for battery cells at the Technical University of Munich. Scientists and companies work together with the aim of investigating and improving the production of lithium-ion cells as energy storage units for electric cars. Current high-performance energy storage units based on lithium-ion technology are not yet ready to go into production. The interdisciplinary network of ExZellTUM will therefore contribute to the further development and manufacture of lithium-ion batteries.

More information here

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research under the project number 03×4633A (Excellence and technological implementation of battery research – ExcellentBattery)


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.08.2012 - 31.12.2015

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


PGAA-Actinide: Determination and Validation of Actinide Nuclear Data for Non-Destructive Fissile Analysis in Waste Samples by Prompt Gamma Neutron Activation Analysis at the FRM II (PGAA-Actinide FRM II)

For more information:

The development of the methodology on the instruments NECTAR and FANGAS by the TU Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 15S9052B)


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.08.2012 - 31.05.2015

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SFB 986 - Multiscale Analysis of Structures and Processes with Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons


SFB 986 – Multiscale Analysis of Structures and Processes with Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons

The sub-project Z2 uses synchrotron radiation and neutrons for the structural analysis of the hierarchical materials produced within the SFB over the entire range of length and time scales and further advances correlative tomography. With the far-reaching methodological developments, a special focus will be placed on in situ methods in the coming funding period, e.g. B. to be able to research the manufacturing processes in a time-resolved manner.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 192346071.

Principal Investigator

  • TU Hamburg
  • and others


Funding period

01.07.2012 - 30.06.2016

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Solar Technologies go Hybrid


Information here

“Solar Technologies go Hybrid” is an initiative of the Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.06.2012 - 31.12.2021

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
TOPFIT - Topological Spin Solitons for Information Technology


The objectives of this proposal are a systematic search for new forms of magnetic order composed of topologically protected (particle-like) spin solitons in bulk materials driven by chiral interactions. This will establish a new field of magnetic phenomena. We further propose the development of concepts how to exploit specifically the topological aspects of these spin solitons in information technology. The proposed research program comprises state-of-the art materials preparation, in-depth studies of the materials properties using bulk and microscopic probes and advanced theoretical modelling. While the proposed project represents a high-risk effort, it promises a fundamentally new approach to information technology.

For more information, please visit:

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.03.2012 - 28.02.2017

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No FP7-IDEAS-ERC - 291079.

NMI3-II (FP7) - Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy Integrated Initiative


Advanced solutions to the challenges that confront our technology-based society – from energy and environment to health – are crucially dependent on advanced knowledge of material properties down to the atomic scale. Neutron and Muon spectroscopy offer unique analytical tools for material investigation. They are thus an indispensible building block of the European Research Area and directly address the objectives of the Innovation Union Flagship Initiative. The knowledge creation via neutron and muon spectroscopy relies on the performance of a closely interdependent eco-system comprising large-scale facilities and academic and industrial users.

The Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3) aims at a pan-European integration of the main actors within this eco-system. The NMI3 coordination effort will render public investment more efficient by harmonizing and reinforcing the services provided to the user community. It will thus directly contribute to maintaining Europe’s world-leading position.

NMI3 is a comprehensive consortium of 18 partners from 11 different countries that includes all major providers of neutrons and muons in Europe. NMI3 exploits all tools available within I3s to realize its objectives.

- Transnational Open Access will build further capacity for European users. It will foster mobility and improve the overall creation of scientific knowledge by providing the best researchers with the opportunity to use the most adapted infrastructures.
- Joint Research activities will create synergies in innovative instrument development that will feed directly into improved and more efficient provision of services to the users.
- Networking activities will reinforce integration by harmonizing procedures, setting standards and disseminating knowledge. Particular attention is given to train young people via the European Neutron and Muon School as well as through an e-learning platform.

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.02.2012 - 31.01.2015

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES - 283883 .

High temperature in-situ neutron diffraction on CoRe alloys


This project was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) under the project number 54407179.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013

Funding organisation

  • German Academic Exchange Service
SPP 1491 - Development of new, non-depolarizating and high reflective coatings based on B-C-N compounds for application in fundamental neutron physics


Research in fundamental physics of the free neutron is one of the key tools for testing the standard model at low energies. Most prominent candidates in this field are the search for an electric dipole moment and the measurement of the neutron lifetime. Significant improvements of the experimental determination using ultracold neutrons (UCN) require reduction of both systematic and statistical errors. New, superthermal sources for ultracold neutrons will enhance the present UCN densities (≈ 40/cm3 at ILL) by about a factor of 10 to 100. At the same time, progress in new neutron guides and neutron storage materials is urgently needed in order to benefit from the higher UCN densities. The crucial parameters to optimize (minimize) here are the neutrons’ critical velocity directly connected to a search for materials with high neutron optical potential (Fermi-potential) and the neutron loss rate. The main goal of this project will be the development of new coating materials, based on B-C-N compounds using highly enriched boron 11, which in contrast to 10B shows a low neutron absorption cross section. Compounds of this type may be a breakthrough in UCN transport and storage. Their use in fundamental neutron physics will increase significantly the performances of upcoming experiments like the neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) experiments, e.g., the n2EDM experiment currently under construction at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI).

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 167716281.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2012 - 31.12.2013

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
ESMI European Soft Matter


Research Infrastructure for advanced spectroscopy, scattering/diffraction and imaging of materials.

Topic: INFRA-2010-1.1.30

The central objective of this ESMI proposal is to create a top-level interdisciplinary research infrastructure available to a broad European materials research community. This is of crucial importance to the EU in view of the European strategy for nanosciences and nanotechnology and its implementation report that identifies “a lack of leading interdisciplinary infrastructures”.
ESMI offers the most important experimental and synthesis techniques and combines world-class infrastructures with cutting edge scientific expertise through a sophisticated networking programme. The anticipated JRA will further improve the existing infrastructure. Computer simulations being of increasing importance for the understanding and prediction of complex materials, ESMI offers access to simulation groups and their advanced tools. The availability of such an infrastructure will provide soft matter scientists with a broad choice of techniques to address their scientific objectives. It will result in a quantum leap in research opportunities and assure that European scientists have a world-class collaborative capability for their frontier research. ESMI will strongly contribute to a fundamental understanding, allowing the development of new, tailored smart materials.
ESMI follows the FP6 experience of the NoE SoftComp. A key feature developed within SoftComp is the highly successful Research Platforms offered to its members, anticipating the spirit of the EU Integrated Infrastructure Initiative. ESMI will promote the SoftComp experience to the European materials community, reflecting the EU recommendations that FP6 collaborative projects “may well lead to new European infrastructures”.
Together with a platform for disseminating the results and educating a new generation of young soft matter scientists, ESMI represents an important added value to the European Research Area in nanoscience, nanotechnology and materials science

This project is funded by the EU


Principal Investigator

  • Swiss
  • and others


Funding period

01.01.2011 - 31.12.2015

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 262348.

SFB 595 - detail page back project print preview "in operando" investigations of material fatigue in commercial battery types by neutron tomography and diffraction


SFB 595 – detail page back project print preview “in operando” investigations of material fatigue in commercial battery types by neutron tomography and diffraction

Lithium-ion batteries are currently the rechargeable energy storage systems for mobile applications with the highest specific capacities and power densities. Serial use in vehicles with hybrid drives is imminent. They are also the most promising candidates as an energy source for electric vehicles. However, batteries with even higher energy densities are required for a breakthrough in this emission-free and therefore significantly more environmentally friendly drive technology. This requirement inevitably leads to an even greater importance of safety aspects during operation. For this it is absolutely necessary to understand the degradation mechanisms that take place in a battery as far as possible and to optimize the materials used. This approach is already being intensively pursued within the SFB using test cells with materials produced in the projects itself and is now to be extended to real commercial components with industrially manufactured materials used in the finished products in accordance with the concept of the SFB. Since reliable information about the processes taking place within a battery can only be obtained under real operating conditions, the methods used to date must be further developed within the transfer project in such a way that commercially available battery types can be examined in real operation using so-called “in operando” methods. This is achieved through a combination of neutron diffraction and neutron tomography, as has already been demonstrated in previous work. Both methods provide information on different length scales and are therefore complementary. The expected results will both contribute to further illuminating the fatigue phenomena at high cycle numbers and also to a considerable Contribute to improved operational safety, since these new investigation methods allow for the first time damage mechanisms in the fatigued or overloaded state right from the start as well as during progressive damage to pursue. As a result, approaches for improved material concepts can be derived immediately, which will be incorporated into products in the medium term due to the cooperation with the industrial partner.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 5485550.


Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2011 - 31.12.2013

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
Design Update Phase of the ESS I/ESS II


The European Spallation Source (ESS) to be located in Lund, Sweden, aims to become the world’s leading facility for scientific research using long-pulse neutrons. It will be funded and operated by a partnership of 17 countries in Europe and was planed to become available for the community in 2019.

The German contribution to the Design Update Phase of the European Spallation Source (ESS) is a joint collaboration of the Helmholtz Assocication Centres in Hamburg (DESY), Karlsruhe (KIT), Jülich (FZJ), Geesthacht (HZG), Berlin (HZB) and the FRM II in Munich. The consortium is organized and managed be Forschungszentrum Jülich.
In a joint collaboration, centres of the Helmholtz Association and the FRM II aim to lead the German contribution to the design update phase of the European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund. The consortium is organized and managed by Forschungszentrum Jülich (FZJ).

The Design Update Phase addresses all key parameters of the ESS project such as the design and the performance of the accelerator and target, the intended instrumentation suite and the scientific challenges, as well as critical instrument components. The Design Update Phase concludes with the Technical Design Report (TDR) of the future European Spallation Source (ESS).

The German partners contribute to the areas accelerator components, target, instrument concepts and critical components. Whereas the large scale facilities in Hamburg (DESY), Karlsruhe (KIT) and FZJ deal with the core components of the source, the FRM II brings its broad experience in utilizing the neutron beam for science. In collaboration with the other German neutron centres (JCNS at Forschungszentrum Jülich, BENSC at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and GEMS at Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht) new instrument designs and critical components was developed. Each workpackage is coordinated by one of the partners.

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.11.2010 - 30.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
MAO-ROBOTS - Methylaluminoxane (MAO) activators in the molecular polyolefin factory


MAO-ROBOTS – Methylaluminoxane (MAO) activators in the molecular polyolefin factory

Topic: „NMP-2009-1.2-2 – Molecular factory: manufacturing objects with predictable and controllable properties“:

MAO-ROBOTS address the aspects of call NMP2009-1.2-2 molecular factory. We aim to perform basic research on nano-to-micro-sized systems used for industrial polyolefin (PO) production in order to “develop sustainable processes for nano-structuring for specific applications which should present high potential industrial and/or market relevance.” Molecular PO factories consist of methylaluminoxane based structures and a transition metal complex often but not always anchored on a heterogeneous, nano-structured silica support. On the basis of an in-depth understanding of the molecular and supra-molecular assembly and construction principles of MAO we aim to: Create MAO building blocks with a narrow molecular weight distribution and optimum nanostructure in terms of their activation efficiency, probably in the range of molecular weights ≈1000g/mol, “to achieve components and/or systems with predictable and controllable properties such as the composition and physico-chemical structure.” Identify the most productive nano-to-micro structural arrangement (molecular factory layout) of the components MAO, transition metal complex and silica support in order to create “structures with controlled properties over multiple scales, multi-component structures” Establish the basis for reproducible production of the above-identified and newly designed molecular PO factories. Develop methods for quality control of the polyolefin production process in the molecular PO factories on a laboratory scale. Validate the results for the newly developed molecular factories from the laboratory scale by a series of test runs in industrial polyolefin production facilities Stimulate the broader application of nano-structured MAO for an increased spectrum of molecular factories, thereby accessing a broader application range directed towards different specialty polyolefin-based products.

This project is funded by the EU.


Funding period

01.09.2010 - 31.08.2014

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 246274.

POLI (2010) - Single crystal polarized neutron (POLI) diffractometer at beam channel SR-9a of the FRM II


POLI (2010) – Single crystal polarized neutron (POLI) diffractometer at beam channel SR-9a of the FRM II

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: link

The development of the POLI instrument by the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K10PA2).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2010 - 31.12.2013

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POWTEX (2010)


Joint project POWTEX:

More information at:

Sub-project 1: High-intensity time-of-flight neutron diffractometer POWTEX at FRM II.

Sub-project 2: Development and construction of geoscientific sample environments for the high-intensity diffractometer POWTEX.

The development of the POWTEX instrument by the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen and Georg-August-Universität Göttingen was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05K10MG1 and 05K10PA1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2010 - 30.06.2013

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Actively compensated high field magnet for neutron scattering


Actively compensated high field magnet for neutron scattering

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalog at: LINK

This project was financed by the TU Munich through the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K10WOC)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2010 - 31.12.2013

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
KOMPASS (2010): Cold three-axis spectrometer for three-dimensional polarization analysis


KOMPASS (2010): Cold three-axis spectrometer for three-dimensional polarization analysis

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: LINK:

The development of the KOMPASS instrument of the University of Cologne was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K10PK1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2010 - 30.06.2013

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Joint project 05K2010 – NanoSOFT

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue:

Subproject 1: Neutron spin echo (Larmor) coding at BioRef as a new approach to studying complex interfaces.

Subproject 2: Neutron spin-echo experiments to investigate complex soft-matter systems with extreme precision.

Sub-project 3: Neutron surface scattering with REFSANS (FRM II) at biofunctional boundary layers.

The further development of the REFSANS instrument of the TU Berlin, the University of Heidelberg and the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (projects 05K10KT1, 05K10VH2 and 05K10WM1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2010 - 30.06.2013

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PRESS (SaPHIR): Construction of a multi-anvil type high-pressure press for TOF neutron diffraction and neutron radiography at the FRM II


Construction of a multi-anvil type high-pressure press for TOF neutron diffraction and neutron radiography at the FRM II

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: LINK

The development of the SaPHiR instrument at the University of Bayreuth was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K10WC2)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2010 - 30.06.2013

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PUMA (2010): Polarization analysis and multiplex method on the three-axis spectrometer PUMA.


PUMA (2010): Polarization analysis and multiplex method on the three-axis spectrometer PUMA.

Further information can be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the PUMA instrument by the Georg-August University of Göttingen was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05K10MG2)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2010 - 30.12.2013

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
TRR80 - Stabilizing Magnetic Order under Extreme Conditions


It is intended to combine scanning and near-field light scattering techniques for studying the charge, spin, and lattice dynamics of correlated electron systems. The combination facilitates the simultaneous analysis of single- and two-particle spectroscopies at identical positions of a surface. This enables one to reveal the impact of electronic correlations on the materials properties close to magnetic textures, surfaces, defects, and interfaces.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TRR80 - Neutron Reflectometry on Magnetic Layers


We will study complex twisted magnetic structures in double exchange-biased heterostructures, where a ferromagnetic layer is sandwiched between two antiferromagnets, exhibiting different Néel temperatures. Rather complex non-collinear magnetic structure can be realized by field cooling and analyzed in detail during different stages of thin film growth and on the fully grown sample by depth-resolved in-situ polarized neutron reflectometry technique and magneto-transport measurements. This system will be extended to thin film systems with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction supporting magnetic skyrmions, where pinning of skyrmions due to strong exchange bias coupling might appear.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TRR80 - Determination of Electronic Structure Using Positrons


Spin-polarized 2D-ACAR (Angular Correlation of Annihilation Radiation) is a powerful technique for the measurement of the spin-resolved Fermi surface. We will focus on the electronic structure of elemental crystals, e.g. Pd, Gd and Cr, and of intermetallic compounds such as Heusler alloys in order to obtain an understanding of the electron correlations. The theoretical calculation of the electron momentum density in correlated systems will be developed further by solving a lattice Hubbard-model with short range Coulomb interactions to model electron-electron and electron-positron interactions.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 107745057.


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2021

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PERC (2010) - A clean, bright an versatile source of neutron decay products


Within the Standard Model of particle physics, neutron decay can be described by only three parameters. On the other hand, neutron decay offers a multitude of observables and the problem is thus strongly over-determined. Precision measurements on neutron decay observables make it thus an ideal candidate in the search for physics beyond the standard model. To perform next generation high precision measurements, we propose, in a collaborate effort among five research groups, to build a new instrument called PERC. It will deliver not neutrons, but neutron decay products. It is intended to be a versatile instrument that can be used by different groups of scientists to make precision measurements on neutron decay observables to address various contemporary particle physics questions. The main component of the new instrument PERC is a 10m long superconducting magnet system. With this proposal we request funding for this magnet and essential infrastructure.

More information here

This project was funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft DFG) under the project number 167645298.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
FI 1663/4-1 - Development of a miniaturized SQUID measuring system for an experiment to measure the electric dipole moment of the neutron


In a next generation experiment to measure the electric dipole moment of the neutron (nEDM) accurate control of magnetic fields is crucial. In particular, the vertical gradient through the neutron storage chamber needs to be determined precisely to avoid so-called geometric phases, which appear in combination with systematic trajectories of stored ultra-cold neutrons (UCN) in the chamber. Those are interpreted as false EDM Signals and have been observed on the level of 10-26 ecm in the previous generation of experiments. Based on recently developed large volume 3He spin precession chambers, such a gradient can be determined with great accuracy. However, also these 3He chambers must be read out with means of magnetometers. Investigations at PTB Berlin already showed that SQUID magnetic field sensors are best suitable for this purpose, as their noise characteristics at typical precession frequencies (10-50 Hz) are < 2 fT/ . Within the framework of this proposal a miniaturized SQUID System should be developed to read out 3He precession Signals. In addition it should be capable of delivering directional information of magnetic fields in vicinity of the UCN precession chambers and should act as the central component of a 129Xe magnetometer. Next to the use in the nEDM experiment, the new SQUID cryostat potentially has a variety of applications in various fields of research, e.g. biomagnetism.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 168225212.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
FI 1663/5-1 - Entwicklung externer und interner Magnetfelder für ein EDM-Experiment


The installation of a new generation of sources for ultracold neutrons (UCN) permits to improve the limits on one of the basic experiments in particle physics, the measurement of the electric dipole moment of the neutron dn [1] (EDM), by two Orders of magnitude to dn < 5 • 10~28 e-, because of increased particle density. Since current experiments are limited not only by statistics but also by systematic errors, new experiments have to be prepared by corresponding studies. It is known [3] that magnetic field based systematic effects play a central role while planning a new experiment. In this project we plan to realize a stable magnetic environment and to accomplish pre-studies that decisively guide the design of a large passive shielding.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 174294956.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2015

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
FI 1663/3-1 - Realization of a magnetically shielded environment for a new measurement of the electric dipole moment of the neutron at the FRM-II and investigations of magnetic field related


A new generation experiment to measure a limit for the electric dipole moment of the neutron (nEDM) on the 10-28 e(cm level requires magnetic shielding on an unprecedented level. Due to its magnetic moment, the neutron is affected by the earth magnetic field as well as by other ambient magnetic field fluctuations and gradients. in this proposal the realization of a state-of-the art magnetically highly shielded environment for precision experiments with neutrons with focus on the nEDM measurement is presented. To establish such an environment, a detailed design and accurate control of fabrication procedures is required. inside the shield, magnetic fields need to be generated with high precision, requiring the implementation of various means of magnetometry. This is accompanied by experimental and theoretical studies of magnetic field related systematic effects on the measurement of the nEDM.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 168143150.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
GU 1185/1 - Investigations of systematic effects caused by magnetic fields on the measurements of the electric dipole moment of the neutron in the OILL experiment


A new generation experiment to measure a limit for the electric dipole moment of the neutron (nEDM) on the 10-28 level requires magnetic shielding on an unprecedented level. Due to its magnetic moment, the neutron is affected by the earth magnetic field as well as by other ambient magnetic field fluctuations and gradients. This proposal describes the work of a planned co-analsis group, with a detailed plan of experimental and theoretical strategies to study the systematic effects on the measurement of the electric dipole moment of the neutron within the improved OILL-experiment.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 167644772.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PE 558/12 - In-situ residual stress analysis on composite castings using neutron diffraction


The aim of this research project is the in-situ determination of the residual stress build-up or state on composite castings using neutron diffraction. During the pouring of liquid aluminum into a steel sleeve, the expansion and, as a result, the residual stress build-up in the component are measured, thus enabling a time, location and temperature-resolved residual stress analysis. This is done for different cast alloys depending on different cooling rates. Furthermore, phase transformations and time-dependent material properties during heat treatment processes are analyzed. In particular, the stress relaxation processes that occur during the cooling of the composite casting can be investigated by means of the in-situ experiments. Since these are usually not taken into account in simulation programs, the simulation results are correspondingly imprecise. Based on the in-situ measurement results obtained, the relaxation processes that occur are to be mapped using a corresponding time-dependent material model. Laws can be derived from the measurement results, with which a model already developed at the Chair of Forming Technology and Foundry Science (utg) is to be expanded.

More information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 163310573.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
BU 1037/11-2 - Development of a procedure to optimize magnetic shielding for spin precession experiments like nEDM


Development of a procedure to optimize magnetic shielding for spin precession experiments like nEDM

In this sub-project the behaviour of different mu-metal test samples will be investigated during their demagnetization. To this end, we will set up an experimental equipment to demagnetize complex mu-metal parts. Using this equipment, we will optimize the demagnetization process for these test samples. We will perform test series to measure the residual magnetism and the gradients on the surfaces of the test samples as well as their shielding factors. We will investigate magnetically all parts essential for the prototype. To this end a midi SQUID System will be set up to perform vector measurements near the surface of samples with narrow geometries. A midi robot will be developed to perform these investigations with a high reproducibility.

More information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 174295077.

Principal Investigator

  • PTB - Physikalisch-Technische Budesanstalt Berlin


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TRR80 - Single Crystal Growth of Complex Order Metals


Single crystals of submetallic compounds with complex forms of spin, charge, lattice and orbital order are produced by optical zone melting in a high-purity chain of equipment that was set up and optimized in the first two funding phases. The metallurgical and physical properties of the crystals are determined using a combination of different methods with emphasis on X-ray and elastic neutron scattering. The scientific focus of the project is on subtle couplings of different degrees of freedom with regard to non-trivial topological properties in real space and reciprocal space.

More information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2015

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TRR80 - Lifetimes of Magnetic Excitations


Lifetime of magnetic excitations (F03 (B01))

The project uses coherent manipulation of neutron spins in Larmor precession instruments to develop a detailed, quantitative understanding of the dispersion relations and decay channels of magnons in materials with strongly correlated electrons. In particular, the dynamic scaling behavior in the vicinity of quantum phase transitions, collective excitations in high-temperature superconductors and the dynamics of soft longitudinal (“Higgs”) excitations in ruthenium oxides will be investigated.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TRR80 - Neutron and X-ray scattering from oxide heterostructures


TRR80/2/G01 – Neutron and X-ray scattering from oxide heterostructures

The project uses resonant X-ray scattering and neutron reflectometry to study interface reconstructions and ordering phenomena in nanoscale metal oxide multilayers synthesized by oxide molecular beam epitaxy. Of particular interest are complex magnetism and charge ordering in nickelate films and superlattices and nickelate-cuprate hybrid materials, and the interplay between magnetism, charge ordering and superconductivity in cuprate-manganate heterostructures.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2017

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
TRR80 - Manipulation of electronic interactions in heterostructures by applying mechanical stresses


We propose the depth-resolved study of multifunctional materials developed from layers with different ferroic properties. To achieve this goal, we will study the magnetic and electronic properties of artificial, multifunctional materials and compare these results with the properties of bulk materials. In particular, we will study the ferroic behavior of embedded layers and their interfaces, which usually differs from that of the individual layers.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 107745057.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2010 - 31.12.2013

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
NMI3 (FP7) - Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron and Muon Spectroscopy


The Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3) aims at the pan-European coordination of neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy, maintaining these research infrastructures as an integral part of the European Research Area. NMI3 comprehensively includes all major facilities in the field, opening the way for a more concerted, and thus more efficient, use of the existing infrastructure. Co-ordination and networking within NMI3 will lead to a more strategic approach to future developments and thus reinforce European competitiveness in this area. NMI3 is a consortium of 22 partners from 13 countries, including 10 research infrastructures. The objective of integration will be achieved by using several tools: * Transnational ACCESS will be provided by 10 partners offering more than 4000 days of beam time. This will give European users access to all of the relevant European research infrastructures and hence the possibility to use the best adapted infrastructure for their research. * Joint Research Activities focusing on six specific R&D areas will develop techniques and methods for next generation instrumentation. They involve basically all those European facilities and academic institutions with major parts of the relevant know-how. * Dissemination and training actions will help to enhance and to structure future generations of users. * Networking and common management will help strategic decision-making from a truly European perspective.

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.02.2009 - 31.01.2013

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES - 226507 .

FRM0911 - Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with medium uranium enrichment.


FRM0911 – Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with medium uranium enrichment.

More information “here”:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the stateministery of science and culture of Bavaria under the project number FRM0911.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2009 - 31.12.2011

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
EXC 153: Origin and Structure of the Universe


In this cluster of excellence, astrophysicists, nuclear and particle physicists jointly research some of the most important, unsolved questions of modern science: the innermost structure of matter, space and time; the nature of the fundamental forces; and the structure, geometry, and composition of the universe. The cluster is located in Munich/Garching, one of the largest and most active centers in the world in the field of fundamental physics and astrophysics.
Scientists from the cluster are actively involved in international collaborations in the construction of the largest, globally unique scientific facilities for astrophysics and particle physics in order to track down the hidden physical properties of the cosmos. With carefully designed experiments, astronomical observations, complex numerical simulations and new theoretical models, fundamental key questions of physics are investigated in the cluster, which connect the smallest scales with the largest scales of the
connect cosmos. The properties of forces and matter at extremely high energies and extremely small distances will provide insights into the origin and unification of the four fundamental forces of nature. These in turn determine the early development of the universe. The puzzling excess of matter compared to antimatter in the universe within the framework of the Standard Model of particle physics is being researched. One is looking for evidence of supersymmetry, currently the most promising candidate for an extension of the Standard Model. The nature of the dark matter and dark energy that dominate the mass and expansion of the universe are studied. At an even more fundamental level, cluster scientists are studying new theories of quantum gravity to discover possible connections between dark energy, the origin of mass and the structure of space and time. The formation of black holes and the element enrichment of the universe are studied.
Ten newly founded junior research groups work in an office building specially designed for the cluster, which also forms the heart of the cluster. The cluster administration is also located in this science center, as well as scientists from the pool of strategic partners and other invited guests. This cluster offers young scientists the unique opportunity to build a successful career in one of the most interesting interdisciplinary areas of modern basic research.

Further information at
and Homepage

Sub-projects of the EXC 153 were implemented on the FRM 2:
polarized xenon

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 24799710.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2009 - 31.12.2012

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
EXC 153: Origin and Structure of the Universe


In this cluster of excellence, astrophysicists, nuclear and particle physicists jointly research some of the most important, unsolved questions of modern science: the innermost structure of matter, space and time; the nature of the fundamental forces; and the structure, geometry, and composition of the universe. The cluster is located in Munich/Garching, one of the largest and most active centers in the world in the field of fundamental physics and astrophysics.
Scientists from the cluster are actively involved in international collaborations in the construction of the largest, globally unique scientific facilities for astrophysics and particle physics in order to track down the hidden physical properties of the cosmos. With carefully designed experiments, astronomical observations, complex numerical simulations and new theoretical models, fundamental key questions of physics are investigated in the cluster, which connect the smallest scales with the largest scales of the
connect cosmos. The properties of forces and matter at extremely high energies and extremely small distances will provide insights into the origin and unification of the four fundamental forces of nature. These in turn determine the early development of the universe. The puzzling excess of matter compared to antimatter in the universe within the framework of the Standard Model of particle physics is being researched. One is looking for evidence of supersymmetry, currently the most promising candidate for an extension of the Standard Model. The nature of the dark matter and dark energy that dominate the mass and expansion of the universe are studied. At an even more fundamental level, cluster scientists are studying new theories of quantum gravity to discover possible connections between dark energy, the origin of mass and the structure of space and time. The formation of black holes and the element enrichment of the universe are studied.
Ten newly founded junior research groups work in an office building specially designed for the cluster, which also forms the heart of the cluster. The cluster administration is also located in this science center, as well as scientists from the pool of strategic partners and other invited guests. This cluster offers young scientists the unique opportunity to build a successful career in one of the most interesting interdisciplinary areas of modern basic research.

Further information at
and Homepage

Subproject: EDM – Polarized ultra-cold neutrons in the next generation measurement of the neutron EDM

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 24799710.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2009 - 31.12.2018

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PF 393/11 -Complex metallic alloys: Electronic instabilities


This proposal is part of the Paketantrag “Physical Properties of Complex Metallic Alloys (PPCMA)”. The Paketantrag addresses Complex Metallic Alloys (CMAs) as a novel field in materials science with the primary goal to determine and understand the physical properties of a wide range of CMA phases. The Paketantrag scientifically complements the European Network of Excellence CMA.Complex metallic alloys currently fascinate the scientific community in terms of an unusual variety of unexpected physical properties. First studies also suggest, that the increasing complexity in CMAs represents a new route towards the emergence of novel electronic properties.We propose systematic studies of the bulk properties of selected CMAs to identify electronic instabilities such as superconductivity, spin and charge order and insulating behaviour. We further propose to study these materials with a host of neutron scattering techniques, most importantly structure refinements using cold neutron diffraction as well as neutron spin-echo measurements of ultra-slow spin dynamics in an applied magnetic field. Samples to be studied will be provided by the partner groups in the Paketantrag (Dresden, Frankfurt and Jülich). To carry out this project we request financial support for a postdoc, a resistance bridge for measurements of systems near a metal insulator transition and consumables.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 137031305.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2009 - 31.05.2015

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
MU 1487/13 - Controlled morphologies by molecular design and nano-embossing


Up to now the efficiencies of organic solar cells cannot compete with conventional semiconductor photovoltaics. One major challenge is the control of the interfacial area between donor-acceptor materials. In this project, the synthesis and design of organic materials that phase separate spontaneously and a novel template deposition method on conducting glass substrates will enable supramolecular to nanometer scale ordering. Advanced scattering experiments such as grazing incidence wide- and small-angle X-ray scattering will give full details about the installed nanostructure. This full control and knowledge about the structure will allow us a systematic investigation of the dependence of device performance on the thin film morphology. The electrical properties of the active materials will be probed with high resolution scanning probe techniques such as Kelvin force microscopy and conductive scanning probe microscopy. Deeper understanding of the device physics and underlying optoelectronic processes in connection to the interface morphology will help to find the ideal organic solar cell structure.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 66024994.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2008 - 30.11.-0001

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PF 393/10 - Single crystal growth of cerium compounds without inversion symmetry


Superconductivity occurs in an enormous variety of different material classes. These are all currently classified as s-, p-, d-wave superconductors. The recently discovered combination of heavy fermion superconductivity and antiferromagnetic order in the cerium compounds CePt3Si, CeRhSi3, CeIrSi3 and CeCoGe3 is a candidate for an entirely new class of superconductors. Because the crystal structure of these compounds lacks inversion symmetry, the traditional classification as s-, p-, d-wave superconductivity breaks down. The aim of the proposed project is to elucidate the nature of the coexistence of magnetism and superconductivity in these compounds. This should create a basis for a generalized understanding of all types of superconductivity. In the project applied for here, massive single crystals of the compounds CePt3Si, CeRhSi3, CeIrSi3 and CeCoGe3 are to be grown for this purpose by means of optical zone melting under ultra-high vacuum compatible conditions. In addition, other cerium compounds without an inversion center are to be systematically produced and investigated. Massive single crystals are also to be grown from selected representatives of these compounds. The single crystals of all compounds should be the basis for detailed measurements of the physical bulk properties as well as spin and lattice excitations using the latest spectroscopic techniques. In particular, neutron and Raman scattering should be carried out in cooperation with other working groups. To carry out the project, a doctoral position, a high-frequency generator, starting materials for growing single crystals and various smaller components for the necessary improvement of existing crystal growing apparatus are requested as research grants.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 107335060.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2008 - 31.05.2015

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
MaMaSELF - Master of Materials Science Exploring Large Scale Facilities


MaMaSELF is a two year European Master program in Materials Science, a program of excellence build in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus program.
One specific aim of the Mamaself program is to teach the application of “Large Scale Facilities” for the characterisation and development of materials.

The Master Mamaself’s objective is to train in a very multidisciplinary and international approach high-level students who will manage perfectly the scientific and technological aspects of the elaboration, the implementation, the control and the follow-up of materials, capable of fitting into the industrial environment as well as continuing with a PhD.”

For more information, please visit:


Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.09.2007 - 31.12.2019

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 599159-EPP-1-2018-1-FR-EPPKA1-JMD-MOB.

HEiDi (2007) - Diffraktometrie: Spindichteuntersuchungen am EKD HEiDi


More information here

The development of HEiDi by the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05KN7PAA).

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2007 - 30.06.2010

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SPODI (2007) - Further development of the structure powder diffractometer SPODI and extension of the in-situ characterization methods


SPODI: Further development of the structure powder diffractometer SPODI and expansion of the in-situ characterization methods

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the SPODI instrument by the TU Darmstadt was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05KN7RD1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2007 - 31.12.2010

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PUMA (2007) - Further development of the thermal three-axis spectrometer PUMA and expansion of the in-situ characterization methods


PUMA – Further development of the thermal three-axis spectrometer PUMA and expansion of the in-situ characterization methods

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the PUMA instrument by the Georg-August University of Göttingen was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05KN7MGA)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2007 - 30.06.2010

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
POWTEX (2007) - High Intensity Time-of-Flight Diffractometer POWTEX at FRM-2


POWTEX (2007) – High Intensity Time-of-Flight Diffractometer POWTEX at FRM-2

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of the PUMA instrument by the RWTH Aachen is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05KN7PA1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2007 - 31.12.2010

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
NanoSOFT (2007) - Neutron surface scattering at biofunctional interfaces with Refsans (FRM-II)


NanoSOFT (2007) – Neutron surface scattering at biofunctional interfaces with Refsans (FRM-II)

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: link:

The further development of the REFSANS instrument of the Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05KN7WMA)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2007 - 30.09.2010

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Diffractometry - STRESS-SPEC optimization for local and in-situ experiments for microstructure, texture and residual stress analysis


Diffractometry – STRESS-SPEC optimization for local and in-situ experiments for microstructure, texture and residual stress analysis

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalog: Link

The construction of the STRESS-SPEC instrument by the Clausthal University of Technology was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05KN7MCA)


  • Germany

Funding period

01.07.2007 - 31.12.2010

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Diffractometry - Construction of a high-intensity diffractometer at FRM-II for structure and texture research with special consideration of time-resolved measurements


Diffractometry – Construction of a high-intensity diffractometer at FRM-II for structure and texture research with special consideration of time-resolved measurements

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalog: Link

The construction of the POWTEX instrument by the Georg-August University of Göttingen was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05KN7MGB)

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2007 - 30.06.2010

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
KOMPASS: Inelastic Scattering - Cold three-axis spectrometer for three-dimensional polarization analysis


KOMPASS: Inelastic Scattering – Cold three-axis spectrometer for three-dimensional polarization analysis

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalog: Link

The construction of the KOMPASS instrument by the University of Cologne was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 05KN7PK1)

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.07.2007 - 30.06.2010

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PF 393/9 - Complex metallic alloys: Electronic instabilities


An increasing number of experimental and theoretical studies suggest that quantum criticality of itinerant-electron ferromagnets, quite generally, does not exist in real materials. This raises the question what mechanisms pre-empt ferromagnetic quantum criticality. In the simplest scenario the single-particle density of states or certain many body interactions drive the quantum phase transition first order. Further possibilities include the emergence of ordered phases such as superconductivity or partial electronic order, e.g., nematic electronic phases. Finally, the emergence of long-range modulations and electronic phase separations may be expected that are driven by weak residual interactions. We propose to search for electronic phase separations near ferromagnetic quantum criticality in a wide range of transition metal and rare earth compounds using neutron depolarization radiography and neutron depolarization tomography; these are new neutron scattering techniques we developed during the first funding period. Our studies will be complemented by conventional inelastic neutron scattering studies and comprehensive measurements of the bulk properties.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 48554140.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2007 - 31.05.2015

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
FRM0608 - Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with medium uranium enrichment.


FRM0608 – Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with medium uranium enrichment.

More information “here”:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the stateministery of science and culture of Bavaria under the project number FRM0608.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2006 - 31.12.2008

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
EXC 153: Origin and Structure of the Universe


In this cluster of excellence, astrophysicists, nuclear and particle physicists jointly research some of the most important, unsolved questions of modern science: the innermost structure of matter, space and time; the nature of the fundamental forces; and the structure, geometry, and composition of the universe. The cluster is located in Munich/Garching, one of the largest and most active centers in the world in the field of fundamental physics and astrophysics.
Scientists from the cluster are actively involved in international collaborations in the construction of the largest, globally unique scientific facilities for astrophysics and particle physics in order to track down the hidden physical properties of the cosmos. With carefully designed experiments, astronomical observations, complex numerical simulations and new theoretical models, fundamental key questions of physics are investigated in the cluster, which connect the smallest scales with the largest scales of the
connect cosmos. The properties of forces and matter at extremely high energies and extremely small distances will provide insights into the origin and unification of the four fundamental forces of nature. These in turn determine the early development of the universe. The puzzling excess of matter compared to antimatter in the universe within the framework of the Standard Model of particle physics is being researched. One is looking for evidence of supersymmetry, currently the most promising candidate for an extension of the Standard Model. The nature of the dark matter and dark energy that dominate the mass and expansion of the universe are studied. At an even more fundamental level, cluster scientists are studying new theories of quantum gravity to discover possible connections between dark energy, the origin of mass and the structure of space and time. The formation of black holes and the element enrichment of the universe are studied.
Ten newly founded junior research groups work in an office building specially designed for the cluster, which also forms the heart of the cluster. The cluster administration is also located in this science center, as well as scientists from the pool of strategic partners and other invited guests. This cluster offers young scientists the unique opportunity to build a successful career in one of the most interesting interdisciplinary areas of modern basic research.

Further information at
and Homepage

Sub-projects of the EXC 153 were implemented on the FRM 2:
Neutron EDM
UNC Gravity
UNC source
lifetime of neutrons

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 24799710.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2006 - 31.12.2012

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
MU 1487/8 - Structure and kinetics of stimuli-responsive, thin hydrogel films of amphiphilic block copolymers


The aim of the application is the production and characterization of complex, nanostructured, two-dimensional hydrogel films with special response properties. These should react selectively to changes in physical environmental variables with pronounced changes in volume. Sensitivities are examined in particular with regard to temperature and light. The focus of the investigations will be the kinetics of the various switching processes. Particular attention is paid to the comparison between the behavior in bulk and in extremely thin films. The production is based on amphiphilic, water-soluble block copolymers with functionalized blocks. This includes the synthesis of novel reactive amphiphilic block copolymers functionalized for contrast groups for scattering experiments. By combining various modern investigation methods (fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, synchrotron radiation and neutron-based scattering experiments), the structural change after triggering the stimulus is to be fundamentally investigated. Starting from simple model systems that respond to a single external stimulus, these systems are to be expanded to systems that can be selectively stimulated orthogonally by two stimuli.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 27829903.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2006 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
NE 1405/1 - Magnetic, magnetoelastic and dynamical properties of matensitic Heusler alloys


This grant application is part of a consortium, which aims on a better understanding of thefundamental properties of magnetic field induced shape memory effect in Heusler alloys.Prof. M. Acet and coworkers explore the macroscopic magnetic and elastic behaviour of newSystems based on Ni-Mn Heusler alloys like Ni-Mn-Sn and Ni-Mn-ln, that are expected toshow a magnetic shape memory effect with potential technical applications. The guiding ideabehind this research is to properly tune the e/a ratio of the alloy by varying the composition.Prof. Enteis group supports the experiments by ab-initio calculations of the microscopic andmacroscopic properties. The validation of the calculations will be done by our detailedphonon measurements äs function of composition (i.e. e/a ratio), temperature and appliedmagnetic field. In addition, our group aims to the understand the kinetics of the twin boundarymotion under applied magnetic field and stress by elastic and inelastic neutron scattering.Using time dependant diffraction on rapidly cycled polvcrvstalline Ni2MnGa (Mn concentration28-30 at%) by means of varying the magnetic field in the martensitic phase, we intend toobserve structural and magnetic Bragg intensities äs function of time, i.e. the periodic fieldand applied stress. Alternatively, a slow change of magnetic field over minutes will be appliedto investigate the kinetics of twin growth induced by the increasing magnetic field. Thesestudies will be followed by measuring single crvstals under similar conditions. The crystalshave to be oriented with the habit plane of the twins parallel to the scattering plane. Byobserving the time dependant evolution of intensities and line shapes of the structural andmagnetic Bragg peaks, we aim to investigate in detail the size changes of the twins äs afunction of field amplitude and time.Dynamic precursor phenomena for the twinning process will be observed by the phononresponse in a sinqle variant of Ni2MnGa when transforming from one variant to another orfrom a single to a multi-variant configuration. Acoustic and, eventually, also optical phononsnear the Brillouin zone center are most sensitive to an overall weakness of the crystaltowards the transformation. Phonons of short wavelength may teil us whether periodicmodulations of the twins are favourable.The search for new material svstems with magnetic shape memory effect will beaccompanied by phonon measurements in both the martensitic and the austenitic phases.These measurements are the most sensitive way to validate the interactions äs deduced bythe ab-initio calculations.An understanding of the magnetic interaction is mandatory for the modelling of new MSMSystems, because the anisotropy of the magneto-elastic interaction drives the shape memoryeffect. Therefore, particular emphasis will be put on measuring the evolution of maqneticreflections and the magnon response under varying magnetic field and stress conditions.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 28320193.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2006 - 31.12.2011

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
PA 771/4 - Structure and kinetics of stimuli-responsive, thin hydrogel films made of amphiphilic block copolymers


The aim of the application is the production and characterization of complex, nanostructured, two-dimensional hydrogel films with special response properties. These should react selectively to changes in physical environmental variables with pronounced changes in volume. Sensitivities are examined in particular with regard to temperature and light. The focus of the investigations will be the kinetics of the various switching processes. Particular attention is paid to the comparison between the behavior in bulk and in extremely thin films. The production is based on amphiphilic, water-soluble block copolymers with functionalized blocks. This includes the synthesis of novel reactive amphiphilic block copolymers functionalized for contrast groups for scattering experiments. By combining various modern investigation methods (fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, dynamic light scattering, synchrotron radiation and neutron-based scattering experiments), the structural change after triggering the stimulus is to be fundamentally investigated. Starting from simple model systems that respond to a single external stimulus, these systems are to be expanded to systems that can be selectively stimulated orthogonally by two stimuli.

Further information at

This project was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft – project number 27829903.

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.01.2006 - 31.12.2014

Funding organisation

  • German Science Foundation
HEIDI (2004)


More information here

The development of HEiDi by the Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen is financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03HE6AA3).

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2004 - 30.06.2007

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SPHERES (2004) - Integration of the individual components, test phase and optimization of the high-flow backscatter spectrometer at the FRM II


SPHERES (2004) – Integration of the individual components, test phase and optimization of the high-flow backscatter spectrometer at the FRM II

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: link:

The development of the SPHERES instrument by Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03RI6JU1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.07.2004 - 30.12.2007

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SPODI: Construction and commissioning of the structure powder diffractometer (SPODI) at the FRM-II


SPODI: Construction and commissioning of the structure powder diffractometer (SPODI) at the FRM-II

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the SPODI instrument by the TU Darmstadt was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03FU6FRM)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.2004 - 30.06.2007

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PUMA (2004) - Inelastic neutron scattering: construction, commissioning and use of the thermal three-axis spectrometer PUMA


PUMA (2004) – Inelastic neutron scattering: construction, commissioning and use of the thermal three-axis spectrometer PUMA

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the PUMA instrument by the Georg-August University of Göttingen was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03EC6GO1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.2004 - 30.06.2007

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
REFSANS (2004) - Neutron reflectometry: Commissioning, extension and use of the reflectometer REFSANS at the FRM-II for the analysis of soft/liquid interfaces and surfaces - continuation


REFSANS (2004) – Neutron reflectometry: Commissioning, extension and use of the reflectometer REFSANS at the FRM-II for the analysis of soft/liquid interfaces and surfaces – continuation

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of the REFSANS instrument by the Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03KA6FRM)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.2004 - 31.03.2007

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
NMI3 (FP6) - Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy


The aim of the Integrated Infrastructure Initiative for Neutron Scattering and Muon Spectroscopy (NMI3) is to facilitate the pan-European coordination of neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy research activities, by integrating all the research infrastructures in these fields within the European Research Area.

NMI3 is a consortium of 18 partner organisations from 12 countries, including 8 facilities.

NMI3 includes all major facilities in the fields of neutron scattering and muon spectroscopy, opening the way for a more concerted, and thus more efficient, use of the existing infrastructure; the ultimate aim being a more strategic approach to future developments and increased European competitiveness in this area.

For further information, please visit:


  • CCLRC Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils

Principal Investigator

  • CCLRC Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils
  • and others

Funding period

01.01.2004 - 30.06.2008

Funding organisation

  • European Union

This project received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No FP6-2002-Infrastructure-1, 3.2.1.

FRM2003A - Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with medium uranium enrichment.


FRM2003A – Conversion of the FRM-II to a fuel element with reduced uranium enrichment.

More information “here”:

This project was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the stateministery of science and culture of Bavaria under the project number FRM2003A.

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.01.2003 - 31.12.2005

Funding organisation

  • Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts
  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
REFSANS (2001) - Commissioning and use of the reflectometer REFSANS at the FRM-II for the analysis of soft/liquid interfaces and surfaces


REFSANS (2001) – Commissioning and use of the reflectometer REFSANS at the FRM-II for the analysis of soft/liquid interfaces and surfaces

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The development of the REFSANS instrument by the Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH is funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03KAE8X3)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.10.2001 - 31.03.2004

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PLEPS - Development and construction of the coupling stages for connecting existing positron beam systems to the intensive positron source at FRM-II.


Development and construction of the coupling stages for connecting existing positron beam systems to the intensive positron source at FRM-II.

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalog: Link

The construction of the PLEBS instrument at the NEPOMUC positron source by the Bundeswehr University was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 5KK1WNA/4)

Principal Investigator


Funding period

01.04.2001 - 31.03.2004

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
REFSANS (1998) - Development and construction of a reflectometer for biological questions: REFSANS at the FRM-2


REFSANS (1998) – Entwicklung und Bau eines Reflektometers für biologische Fragestellungen: REFSANS am FRM-2

Weitere Informationen finden Sie auch im Förderkatalog des Bundes: LINK

Der Aufbau des Instruments REFSANS durch die Helmholtz-Zentrum hereon GmbH wird durch das BMBF im Rahmen der ErUM-Projektförderung finanziert (Projekt 03KA5FRM/1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.08.1998 - 30.09.2001

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SPHERES (1998) - Construction of a structure powder diffractometer at FRM 2


SPHERES (1998) – Construction of a structure powder diffractometer at FRM 2

Further information can be found in the federal catalogue: link:

The construction of the SPHERES instrument by Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03FU5FRM/7)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.1998 - 31.03.2004

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
PUMA (1998) - Construction of a thermal three-axis spectrometer on the FRM-2


PUMA (1998) – Construction of a thermal three-axis spectrometer on the FRM-2

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the PUMA instrument by the Georg-August University of Göttingen was funded by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03EC5FRM/1)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.1998 - 31.05.2005

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research
SPODI (1998): Construction of a structure powder diffractometer at the FRM 2


SPODI (1998): Construction of a structure powder diffractometer at the FRM 2

Further information can also be found in the federal funding catalogue: LINK

The construction of the SPODI instrument by the TU Darmstadt was financed by the BMBF as part of the ErUM project funding (project 03FU5FRM/7)

Principal Investigator

Funding period

01.04.1998 - 31.03.2004

Funding organisation

  • Federal Ministry of Education and Research


Dr. Michael Hörmannsdorfer
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-54824

MLZ is a cooperation between:

Technische Universität München> Technische Universität MünchenHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon> Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Forschungszentrum Jülich> Forschungszentrum Jülich

MLZ is a member of:


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