MLZ is a cooperation between:
MLZ is a member of:
MLZ on social media:
MLZ (eng)
85748 Garching
Organisational Chart of the MLZ
The Steering Committee
The Steering Committee determines the guidelines for the scientific user service and the use of the granted funds and oversees their implementation according to the research objectives. The Scientific Directorate reports to the steering committee.
The Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board is made up of internationally prominent members from different scientific communities. The Advisory Board is consulted by the directorate or the Steering Committee on fundamental questions of future instrumentation and other specific important developments.
The Instrumentation Advisory Committee
The Instrumentation Advisory Committee is a sub-committee of the Scientific Advisory Board and gives advice on new instrumentation, major upgrades of instruments and other strategic investments like sample environment with investments of typically more than 1 Mio. €. The IAC reports to the SAB and to the Scientific Directors.
Responsibility for the operation
The Scientific Directorate is responsible for the operation of the MLZ. It oversees the responsibilities for the instrument operation, the instrument service groups, the project coordination and the user office. Instrument operation itself is organized along the cooperation partners.
The referee panel
The referee panels meet twice a year and review the submitted proposals along their scientific merit. The panels make proposals for the use of beamtime at the different instruments to the Scientific Directorate.
MLZ is a cooperation between:
MLZ is a member of:
MLZ on social media: