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85748 Garching
KOMPASS (in commissioning)
Cold three axes spectrometer with polarisation analysis
This instrument is focussed on cold neutrons. Therefore, please carefully check the “Technical data WITHOUT cold source” section. Deviating parameters are in bold. The instrument team is happy to answer any further questions!
KOMPASS — the new cold neutron three axes spectrometer is fully designed to work exclusively with polarised neutrons and to provide a zero-field 3D polarisation analysis, complementary to the other three axes spectrometers at the MLZ. Typical applications are the investigations of complex magnetic structures and excitations.
The instrument is located at the end position of the curved, cold neutron guide NL1. Serial polarising V-cavities in the upstream part of the guide system provide a permanent high-polarised incident neutron beam. The parabolic focussing guide design before the monochromator further includes different exchangeable guide front ends for optimised energy- and Q-resolution, respectively. The focussing guide, together with the variable double-focussing monochromator (and analyser), provides a high neutron flux over a large dynamic range at a small sample volume combined with a superior energy resolution at the expense of a slightly reduced transverse Q-resolution.
For measurements with high Q-resolution or the investigation of steep dispersion relations, the parabolic front ends can be exchanged for the straight elements. Higher-order wavelength contaminations can be suppressed by an optional velocity selector installed before the monochromator. For sample positioning, the sample table is equipped with motorised xy-stages and cradles. The spin state of the scattered neutrons is analysed with a multichannel polarising V-cavity installed between the analyser and the detector. Optionally, for higher divergence, the Heusler analyser from Instrument PANDA is available.
Apart from a standard closed-cycle cryostat, the instrument is equipped with a set of Helmholtz coils for longitudinal polarisation analysis and the 3rd generation ILL system CryoPAD for neutron polarimetry.
Construction and commissioning of KOMPASS are supported by the BMBF through project 05K19PK1.
With thermal neutrons, KOMPASS will be mainly operated in polarised neutron diffraction mode with longitudinal polarisation analysis.
Neutron Guide System and DesignWith the cold source, the full spectrum of inelastic measurements and measurements with CryoPAD are feasible.
Neutron Guide System and DesignInstrument scientists
Dr. Dmitry Gorkov
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-10754
Dr. Ran Tang
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-54744
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-14879
Operated by
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