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MLZ (eng)
85748 Garching
Nuclear-, Particle-, and Astrophysics
The MLZ science group Nuclear-, Particle-, and Astrophysics represents coordinated efforts by several international collaborations. Complementary to – and even beyond the reach of physics at high energy accelerators – the neutron is used as a tool to probe properties of the very early universe. With major contributions by the DFG Priority Program SPP 1491 “Precision measurements with cold and ultra-cold neutrons”, new facilities including the PERC instrument and the laboratory for ultra-cold neutron physics are currently being realised.
Group Coordinators
Prof. Dr. Bastian Märkisch
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-14485
Prof. Dr. Peter Fierlinger
Phone: +49 (0)89 35831-7131
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