Diverse specialized equipment is available at MLZ. The equipment shown below is particularly used with SANS-instruments and reflectometers.
Ultrasonic levitator (tec5 AG)
Ultrasonic levitator
- Frequency: 58 Hz
- Wavelength: 5.9 mm
- Optimal diameter (without drop deformation): 2.5 mm
Multiposition sample holder
Multiposition sample holder
- 8 – 32 positions
- Thermalizing devices: Temperature -10 °C – 120 °C (220 °C with silicon oil)
Peltier furnace
Peltier furnace
- 8 positions
- Temperature -20 °C – 120 °C
GISANS liquid flow cell
GISANS liquid flow cell
- 15 × 5 × 2 cm3 silicon block
- liquid volume of 7 ml
- heatable by circulation bath
Rheometer RSA II
Rheometer RSA II
- Couette geometry for liquids
- Shear rate: 0.001 to 5000 s-1
- Temperature: 20 to 200 °C
Pressure cell
Pressure cell
- Temperature: -40 °C – 80 °C
- Pressure: 5000 bar
Stopped-flow (Bio-Logic® SFM-300)
Stopped-flow (Bio-Logic(R) SFM-300)
- 3 independently controlled syringes and two mixers
- Mixing ratio from 1 : 1 to 1 : 100
- Exact control of flow rate
- Dead-time of mixing: < 20 msec
- Sample volume: 0.4 ml
- Recommended mixing volume: 1 ml
Humidity cell
Humidity cell
- Temperature: 10 °C – 90 °C
- Humidity range: 5 % – 95 %
- Sample size: Ø 8 mm, thickness: 1 mm
Humidity generator
Humidity generator
- Massflow: 0…15 l/min, saturated flow up to 10 l/ min
- Rel. humidity: 5% … 95%
- Temperature: +5°C ….75 (95)°C , depends on humidity
- 2 tempered pipes (1.5 m)
Daniel Vujevic
Phone: +49 (0)89 158860-774
E-mail: d.vujevic@fz-juelich.de
Helmut Korb
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-10717
E-mail: h.korb@fz-juelich.de