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MLZ (eng)
85748 Garching
Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy
Transmission electron microscopy is a complementary technique with neutron scattering in the frame of soft matter studies. With the TEM, real space investigations are performed to access information about shape, size and size distribution of particles, self-assembly and aggregation. Users will be supported by JCNS scientists to conduct the suitable preparation and TEM investigation.
Offer: The JCNS TEM laboratory is open for users to complement neutron experiments at the MLZ
The objective of the JCNS Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) laboratory is to offer the preparation and investigation of specimen to users who wish to complement their neutron experiments at the MLZ by using TEM either on-site or remotely.
TEM beamline application must be submitted jointly with the related neutron scattering beamtime proposal via our online User Office system GhOST.
Prior to proposal submission it is mandatory for the user to contact the TEM laboratory scientist in order to discuss the feasibility of the research idea and the required time for the TEM investigations.
The terms of the use of the TEM facility are described in the following concept document:
Joanna Michalska-Walkowiak
Phone : +49 (0)89 158860-747
E-mail :
Application example:
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