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85748 Garching
SAPHiR (under construction)
Six Anvil Press for High pressure Radiography and TOF diffraction
The instrument provides extreme pressure and temperature environments for time-of-flight neutron diffraction and neutron radiography of polycrystalline and liquid samples.
The instrument shares a thermal neutron beamline (wavelength range 1 – 2.4 Å) with the upstream instrument POWTEX. The centrepiece is a six-ram multianvil press that is placed on a positioning and rotation table for sample adjustment and surrounded by detectors for neutron diffraction and radiography.
The six independently adjustable rams provide a combined pressing force of up to 23.5 MN (2400 tons) that is transferred via a set of smaller second-stage anvils to a cubic sample assembly. An approx. 20 mm3 sample capsule can be subjected to P and T conditions of up to 15 GPa (150 kbar) and > 2000°C. Aided by an anvil positioning and advancing system with a precision in the sub-micron range, samples can be deformed at strain rates varying from approx. 10-3 to 10-7 s-1 for in situ stress and strain measurements.
An elliptical neutron guide with a variable supermirror coating of m = 1.5 – 4 will guide and focus the neutron beam between POWTEX and the press to the sample cross-section of 3 × 3 mm2. For radiography, different pinholes can reduce the divergence of the neutron beam to attain L/D ratios larger than 500 at reasonable neutron fluxes so that a resolution better than 100 μm can be achieved.
Puls chopper frequency (POWTEX): | 200 s-1 |
Press chopper frequency: | 50 s-1 |
Chopper disc diameter: | 750 mm |
Pulse width: | 10 μs |
Prof. Dr. Hans Keppler (project leader)
Phone: +49 (0)921 5537-44
Dr. Nicolas Walte (instrument scientist)
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-11772
Walter Hulm (technician)
Phone: +49 (0)89 289-11775
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Instrument control
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