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85748 Garching
Neutrons worm the last secrets of the crystal
An international research group led by Dr. Vladimir Hutanu has recently been able to measure the magnetic parameters of the Ba2CoGe2O7-crystal at the neutron diffractometer POLI much more accurately than it was previously possible. The Garching scientist from the RWTH Aachen has applied the so-called 3D polarization analysis with hot neutrons. For the first time, the proportion each domain type in the overall crystal and its change when a magnetic and electric field could be examined and accurately determined. The crystal reacted very quickly to the change of magnetic field and already a tenth of the theoretical field strength was enough to realize a single domain structure. With the help of this unique attempts in the research group succeeded in demonstrating experimentally that only one of the many theories fits to the measurement results.
More in German language only.
The results are published in Physical Review B Rev B 89, 064403 (2014)) .
Dr. Vladimir Hutanu
Phone: +49.(0)89.289.12153
Phone: +49.(0)89.289.14828
Press contact:
Christine Kortenbruck
Phone: 089.289.13893
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