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85748 Garching


The egg will be 60: photo and special exhibition for the Open Day

Atomic Egg old Atomic Egg old ©


A series of events is planned this year for the 60th anniversary of neutron research in Garching: The photo exhibition in the Garching subway is now to be seen until October 10_th_. From November 7th to December 3rd 2017 the photos will be hung in a special exhibition of the museum “Reich der Kristalle” in Munich. Finally, on the open door day, there will be a special exhibition to the so called “Atomic Egg” in the gate building.

The photo exhibition of the Berlin art photographer Bernhard Ludewig shows views and insights into the research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz. With his technical photographs, Ludewig wants to create portraits of the pictorial objects, concentrates on central structures or even movements and looks for a viewpoint that clearly shows the perceived idea. Until the 10th of October, the photos hang in the subway station of the city of Garching under the Helmut-Karl-Platz.

In the museum “Reich der Kristalle” in Munich the photos of Bernhard Ludewig will be seen from 7th of November to 3rd of December together with the model of the “Atomic egg”. This wooden duplicate of the great example is accessible. Inside, sounds from the new and old neutron sources are heard, and interviews with witnesses and researchers. The art students Caspar Kleiner, Noémie Schönfelder, Konstantin Vocklinger, Samuel Weber and Anna Teuschler have created this model with sounds within the framework of their architecture studies at the TU Munich and already successfully exhibited.

In addition to the walk-in wood model, original exhibits out of the real “Atomic egg” will be on display at the open day. From a neutron conductor, which was invented at the FRM, the exhibition pieces make the past alive by means of a radiation meter, an old control panel and the first logbooks of the reactor drivers. Historical pictures and films testify the enthusiasm of the early years at the “Atomic egg”. With Norbert Waasmaier, senior technical manager at the “Atomic egg”, and Dr. Klaus Seebach, a long-standing administrative director at the FRM II, a witness and an expert on the Atomic Energy stand by for questions. The exhibition will be open on Saturday, October 21st, from 11 am to 6 pm in the gate building of FRM II. There are no access restrictions.

MLZ is a cooperation between:

Technische Universität München> Technische Universität MünchenHelmholtz-Zentrum Hereon> Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
Forschungszentrum Jülich> Forschungszentrum Jülich

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