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85748 Garching
The 35th DyProSo in Freising
On September 13 -17, 2015 the 35th International DyProSo (Dynamical Properties of Solids) will take place at the Education Centre Freising. The symposium offers every two years cutting-edge research results and discussions in the field of solid state physics with a focus on their dynamic properties. This year, issues such multiferroics, shape memory alloys, superconductors or investigations of materials and components under extreme conditions are on the programme. In the focus are new methods from the theory and practical applications of spectroscopic, X-ray and neutron experiments with an emphasis on functional materials.
Around 80 participants, the vast majority coming from other European countries, have already registered. Top international experts from European countries and the United States round the program off with guest lectures. An important objective of the symposium is to provide a platform for discussion among scientists and for exchanges between young scientists and experienced experts. The venue takes this into account, since the former bishop’s residence is easily accessible and offers all participants accommodation. Fixed scheduled in the program is a guided tour of the FRM II, alternatively for the art lovers a guided tour of the Freisinger Domberg with dome and the prince-bishop’s residence.
Details about the program can be found on the event page:
A short summing-up report can be read “online “:
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