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85748 Garching
New entrance hall inaugurated
The reconstruction of the entrance building at the neutron source is finished. Now, scientists and visitors can enter the FRM II in a lucid and friendly entrance hall.
The neutron source officially opened the new entrance building with a little reception for the FRM II staff and the companies, which were involved in the construction works.
The Scientific Director of the FRM II, Prof. Dr. Winfried Petry, thanked the project team at the neutron source as well as the companies for their excellent work. He also thanked the staff of the FRM II and other institutes as well as the security staff for their patience with restricted access due to the construction.
The new entrance hall links the old gatehouse and the seminary room at the entrance. The construction costs were financed thanks to the new cooperation of the Technische Universität München and the three Helmholtz Centres Jülich, Geesthacht and Berlin.
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