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85748 Garching
Maintenance works continue
The first long maintenance break of the FRM II will be continued for some weeks. The length will be defined by the exchange of the bushings in the cooling system of the heavy water tank.
Other tasks to fulfill within the upcoming weeks include the exchange of neutron guides or the reconstruction of scientific instruments. The neutron optics group exchanges the cold neutron guides 3, 4, 5 and 6, which feed 2/3 of the instruments in the neutron guide hall west from boron-containing glass to boron-free glass. The radiography and tomography facility ANTARES will be equipped with a completly new shielding and was moved to make room for the neutron guide to the neutron guide hall east. The bushings in the moderator cooling system will be reconstructed with a new material or a combination of new materials to make them resistant to corrosion and prove their fitness. The authority and its experts are involved in the solution process.
The insertion of the new thimble for the production of molybdenum-99 has been successfully completed. Furthermore the beam tube of the positron source NEPOMUC has been exchanged. The beam port of the hot source has been divided to feed the new polarized hot neutron diffractometer POLI. The spectrometer TOFTOF has doubled its detector and thus reduced the time to measure a sample.
The neutron source FRM II will again offer beam time for users in the planned cycle at the beginning of August.
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