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85748 Garching
For a neutron research at the center of our society
During a visit at the Research Neutron Source in Garching a high-ranking official of the Federal Research Ministry emphasized the great importance of science with neutrons for future technologies.
High-ranking ministry officials during the visit at the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) (f.r.): Dr. Adalbert Weiß, Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts (StMWFK), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Prof. Dr. Winfried Petry, Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher, Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Prof. Dr. Sebastian Schmidt (FZJ), Dr. Anton Kastenmüller, Albert Berger (chancellor) und Dr. Wolfgang Zeitler, StMWFK.
The visit of Dr. Karl Eugen Huthmacher from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) documents the good cooperation between the German federation and the free state of Bavaria. The Head of Division 7 “Provision for the Future – Basic and Sustainability Research” of the BMBF was invited by Dr. Adalbert Weiß, Head of the Bavarian State Ministry of Sciences, Research and the Arts, for an informative visit to Garching. “The scientific institution of a national neutron source is of great benefit, not only for Bavaria, but for the whole of Germany”, Weiß said in welcoming the guest. The support of the BMBF with 200 million euros bears a great share in ensuring that the facility can be operated efficiently. Hutmacher said: “We need to make it even more clearly that the research carried out at the Research Neutron Source in Garching is of great importance to our society.”
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