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85748 Garching
Apply now for European master MaMaSELF
Participants of the recent Master Course with Prof. Wolfgang Schmahl (center) on a trip to Regensburg as part of the complementary program. © K. Kleinstück / TUM
Students can immediately apply for the MaMaSELF Master program that starts in 2016. The deadline for non-EU students ends on January 31, 2016; EU students have time until February 28, 2016. All, that do not require scholarship, must apply before April 30, 2016.
The two-year Master program MaMaSELF (Master in Materials Science Exploring Large Scale Facilities) is part of the EU funding program Erasmus +. This allows students not only an excellent education, they also gather a wealth of experience: The program includes the study and the simultaneous graduation at two prestigious universities in Europe and beyond, research at large scale European research facilities such as the MLZ, a status meeting in Rigi Kulm (Switzerland), a welcome week in Montpellier (France) and last but not least global contacts for the future.
Application requirement is a bachelor’s degree in materials science, physics, chemistry, earth sciences or related disciplines. Instruction language at all partner sites is English, so good knowledge of English is essential.
The main advantages of the Master program are:
• Study in an international environment
• Obtain two master degrees from two different universities (Rennes, Munich – LMU or TUM, Turin, Montpellier) with one MSc course
• Welcome week in Rennes, France
• Summerschool on Neutron and Synchrotron Techniques in Montpellier, France
• Status meeting with presentation of the master thesis in Rigi Kulm, Switzerland
• Partner institutions in USA, Japan, Switzerland, India, Russia
• EU-Grants: 10.000 Euros for EU students and 21.000 Euros for Non-EU students.
More information at:
Application forms:
Karin Kleinstück
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