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MLZ (eng)
85748 Garching
We would like to invite all colleagues working on the field of “Activation Analysis” as well as “Radiochemistry” in Germany, Austria and neighbour countries for an informal exchange of ideas and strengthening the cooperation. In particular, we would like to encourage young scientists to take this opportunity to introduce themselves to the community.
The workshop will be this time focused on the gamma-spectroscopy, which represents an important part of the activation analysis.
Invited speakers:
Bernhard Ponsard,
Belgian Nuclear Research Center: 99-Mo supply status and perspectives
Dr. Richard Henkelmann,
ITG Isotope Technologies Garching GmbH: 177-Lu production and use in nuclear medicine
Dr. Rolf Zeisler,
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
USA: Traceability of arsenic in fish tissues
Dr. Georg Steinhauser,
Technische Universität Wien,
Atominstitut: Carl Auer von Welsbach und das Neutron – eine unentdeckte Entdeckung
Tuesday, 26 February 2013: The registration will be open from 10 am on. Talks will be starting at 1 pm. The postersession and a welcome gathering is scheduled at 6 pm.
On Wednesday talks will be held in the morning and the afternoon before leaving to Munich downtown for the evening event.
The workshop will end around noon time on Thursday, 28 February. In the afternoon guided tours through the research reactor FRM II and the Department of Radiochemistry will be offered
Field of Activity
and there use and development in the fields of
Contributions from other areas are welcome as well.
Dates – NEW DEADLINE for abstract submission
2. Announcement with ifnormation on programme, accomodation and talks.
Opening of registration and abstract submission.
Deadline for talks and poster abstracts.
Information about accepted talks and posters.
Programme online.
Deadline for hotel booking via the organizational team.
Additional charge for late registration.
Prebookings have been made at the following hotels located in Garching from 26 to 28 February 2013:
Rates per night, breakfast included.
At Motel One a few room have been reserved starting February 25.
When registering you may provide your preferences which will transferred into a firm booking in accordance with date of receipt and availabiltiy.
Deadline 10.01.2013.
Die GDCh-Fachgruppe Analytische Chemie unterstützt finanziell die Aktivitäten ihrer studentischen Mitglieder zur Aus- und Weiterbildung. Unter dem Stichwort “Tagungsstipendium Analytische Chemie” kann die Teilnahme an der SAAGAS 24 gefördert werden. Anträge müssen direkt an die GDCh gestellt werden. Details zur Antragstellung finden Sie unter
Eine GDCh-Mitgliedschaft für Studenten kostet Sie übrigens 30 € im Jahr. Informationen welche weiteren Vorteile Sie von einer GDCh-Mitgliedschaft haben, finden Sie unter
Local Organisation – Sponsors und Industrial exhibition
For details on sponsoring and industrial exhibition, please contact Mrs. Elisabeth Jörg-Müller (089-289-14966 /
130,00 €
Members of GDCh, FS, KTG, WKK
110,00 €
60,00 €
For registrations after January 10th 2013 there is an extra charge of 50€.
The price includes the evening reception (Wednesday).
26.-28. February
Garching bei München, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen der Technischen Universität München
Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) und Radiochemie (RCM) der Technischen Universität München.
Scientific Committee
Organizing Committee
Conference Language
The main conference language will be German. Contributions in English are welcome as well.
You can download the abstract templates in our conference portal: Templates
MLZ is a cooperation between:
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